As medical costs continue to soar, Palo Alto officials are exploring ways to revamp the health care plans the city offers to its employees and retirees -- an effort that is already creating anxiety and threats of lawsuits from labor unions.
The Palo Alto City Council discussed the deeply contentious topic of rising health care costs at length on Monday night. And while members didn't adopt any changes, they directed staff to explore the city's options for health plans, including a "flexible benefit plan" (also known as a "cafeteria plan") in which an employee can choose from a menu of benefit options.
The Monday conversation was the latest installment in a series of meetings the council set up last year to tackle the complex and contentious problems of rising pension and health care costs. According to a new city report, the city's health care expenses in fiscal year 2013 totaled $27.3 million, up from $11.5 million in 2003. The report from City Manager James Keene states that health care costs "will continue to rise at an estimated rate of 6 to 7 percent in 2013, for active employees, retirees, and their dependents, consuming a greater portion of the general fund budget."
"Containing health care costs will be important for the financial health of the City and all employees," the report states. "Providing employees with competitive benefit choices while stabilizing costs have been the City's guiding principles."
Human Resources Director Kathryn Shen told the council that health care is slated to increase faster than inflation by 2 to 5 percent, a trend that she called "sobering."
"And as it grows, it impacts both the city and the retirees," Shen said. "From a retiree's perspective, you're on a smaller income and your health care costs are going up more than inflation."
This also creates a problem for the city, Shen said, because it impacts the city's ability to provide health care.
The city's proposal to revamp health care for employees and retirees hit a speed bump last year, when the Palo Alto Police Officers Association signed a new contract that offered various concessions on pensions and health care. But the union also vehemently rejected changing health care benefits for future retirees. The city and the police union have remained at an impasse on this single issue and are now engaged in a "fact-finding" process regarding this topic.
Recent overtures by city management on this issue during informal discussions have not gone smoothly. Mayor Greg Scharff said three different labor groups had offered to give 10-minute presentations to the council to express their views on the subject. All three canceled Monday morning, he said. At the same time, two labor representatives submitted letters that were sharply critical of the city's effort to institute health care reform.
Peter Hoffmann, an attorney whose firm Rains, Lucia, Stern, PC, serves as legal counsel to the police union, challenged Keene's assertion in a staff report that "a few active employees" have expressed concerns about the city renegotiating its health care plans to lessen the employer share. In a scathing letter to the council, Hoffmann suggested that attempts to change terms for retirees would lead to litigation.
"Indeed, the number would be much closer to 'all of them' -- particularly among the City's longest-tenured employees who stand to see their promised retirement benefits eliminated, just as they approach the end of their careers," Hoffmann wrote.
He also argued that Keene's recommendations "seek to do nothing more than foster a litigious relationship between the City and its employees. While the City Council may welcome a spate of legal challenges, it should at least make an informed decision on such matters."
Evelyn Gutierrez, an organizer for Service Employees International Union, Chapter 521, also challenged the city's proposal, claiming in a letter that the a "cafeteria" plan would "selectively cut retirement medical benefit for long-term employees while leaving it intact for newer employees."
Gutierrez, whose union represents about half of the city's workforce, wrote that "real engagement and dialogue" should be a goal shared by all parties before the council takes any action on the "long-standing vested interests" of the employees.
"In Palo Alto, fully vested long-term employees have no idea what they are vested in anymore as the City has linked future retiree medical to what active employees get for medical from time to time, which could be nothing under a Cafeteria Plan," Gutierrez wrote.
Union opposition has prompted City Attorney Molly Stump to recommend that the city set aside its conversation about "vested contractual rights to health benefits" until after the council discusses the subject in a closed session. Stump said the city has received "a number of communications" from labor leaders, who indicated that "should the city move in the direction that they do not agree with, they would consider litigation against the city."
The council has already made some progress on health care. Since 2009, it has renegotiated its labor agreements so that the city would no longer pay the entire share of employee medical costs. Under the terms that the city imposed on the SEIU in 2009 and that the union ratified in a 2010 labor agreement, employees and future retirees are now required to pay 10 percent of their premium costs. The city later reached similar agreements with its non-unionized group of managers and with its public-safety workers (with the notable exception of its ongoing dispute with the police union over retiree health care).
The switch to the cafeteria option would carry some political and financial risks. Since 1993, the city's health care plan has been administered by the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS), which also oversees Palo Alto's pension plan. Just like with pensions, the city's options for curbing costs are sharply limited. The council has the option of choosing one of six plans offered by the CalPERS Health Benefits Program (down from 12 plans in 1993), which is governed by the Public Employees Medical and Hospital Care Act. To pursue the "flexible plan" option, Palo Alto would have to reach an agreement with its workers on the changes through collective bargaining.
Furthermore, if the city were to leave CalPERS only to find even higher rates on the open market, it would not be able to rejoin the system for five years.
Councilman Greg Schmid was one of several council members who argued that it's in the best interests of both the city and its employees to come up with a more sustainable and predictable health care system.
"I think both the city and the staff are interested in a healthy functioning city budget," Schmid said. "I think the city's future and the retirees' future depends upon healthy finances and I think that's where we share a common goal."
But if the early reaction from the unions are any indication, cooperation on this topic is by no means a given. Keene and Shen stressed Monday that the city has not yet made any decisions and that much more outreach to city workers has to happen. But they both noted that the issue is a tough one to discuss in an open forum, given that health care is both an emotional topic and one subject to the formal bargaining process. Shen said it's a difficult "balancing act" for the city to engage with employees on this topic without directly negotiating.
"We can do surveys," Shen said. "We can do focus groups. We can have an open forum or a council meeting at a less formal place where employees and representatives can feel comfortable coming and talking. But there is no quick or easy solution that I see."
Keene also disputed allegations from the unions that the city is rushing into health care reform without considering the views of city workers.
"While we have certainly talked very clearly with everybody that we think a flexible-benefits plan is one of the things we ought to look at -- that's as far as we've gone. Along with: Are there other options?" Keene said.
Barron Park
on Feb 5, 2013 at 12:35 am
on Feb 5, 2013 at 12:35 am
Looks like the entitled, overpaid union bureaucracy will dig in again to keep its spot at the taxpayer trough. The solution: start outsourcing to the private sector. The city should not be allowed to directly employ more than 100 or so people (beyond police) to manage and hold accountable the private workforce.
Another Palo Alto neighborhood
on Feb 5, 2013 at 1:23 am
on Feb 5, 2013 at 1:23 am
What, you mean high-priced "consultants" who would feed at the taxpayer trough? Being single-minded and ideological is expensive regardless of which extreme we're talking about.
on Feb 5, 2013 at 4:01 am
on Feb 5, 2013 at 4:01 am
Just migrate all employees to Obamacare - put employees on the state run insurance exchange, and have the city pay the Obamacare penalty. It's alot cheaper.
on Feb 5, 2013 at 9:12 am
on Feb 5, 2013 at 9:12 am
I agree with Outsource that it is about time tax payers were treated fairly and with some respect. Most of us who work for the private sector see an increasing percent of our taxes being diverted towards gold plated pensions and healthcare for "public" employees. While pensions and healthcare were a fair exchange in years past when public sector salaries were significantly lower, that is no longer the case. It is infuriating as a tax payer to see and hear unions demand things as rights that they should be grateful for as a privilege. I am sure that some folks will jump up and say "hey read the contact - we are entitled to it". While contracts that bankrupt the public or a city may have been negotiated in the past, they are no longer financially viable. At some point unions need to realize that the average tax payer will not accept this since they cannot afford either the ever increasing tax or put up with the ever decreasing service. Enough is enough. Privatize and outsource!
Community Center
on Feb 5, 2013 at 9:59 am
on Feb 5, 2013 at 9:59 am
Go 'across the street' and see how Stanford does it. First of all, employees contribute to
Social Security and Medicare like most employees everywhere and must pay a monthly premium for personal and family health insurance. Retirees still pay into Medicare each month (My Mom pays about $100 out of her SS check) and in addition pay for various supplemental retiree health plans (e.g. Kaiser, Blue Cross, and Health Net, etc. and, for dental plans. ) There's no free lunch across the street. It's time to switch new PA employees to Social Security. And no double dipping. Also most Stanford employees do not have a union - and Stanford operates in the black. The damage was done to Palo Alto long ago by previous city councils and management. The unions got control. Solution? Privatize and take drastic action...NOW or face the specter of bankruptcy.
another community
on Feb 5, 2013 at 10:53 am
on Feb 5, 2013 at 10:53 am
Until she returned recently, my mother, a surgical nurse in the neurology department at Stanford Hospital, had Kaiser for medical insurance. Basically, is she or any of her children for sick, we went to Kaiser, even though our mother worked for Stanford! We were not allowed to receive the quality of care she gave to others for a living.
When I was fourteen, for instance, kaiser diagnosed me with gallstones and said surgery was unnecessary. All I needed was a 100% fat free diet, no meds, no surgery, And I would be fine. The next two,years were hellacious, as a 100% fat free diet is simply, realistically impossible. Daily nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain ensued, yet Kaise chastised me for " falling off the fat-free wagon" and did nothing.
One afternoon I was sent home from school in sever abdominal pain, vomiting uncontrollably. My mom took off work without pay to take me to Kaiser emergency, where I was kept until 7:00 THE NEXT MORNING when the decision was finally made to remove my gallbladder. By that point, the surgeon found that my gallbladder had necrotized and laparoscopy was not possible, so I have a four inch scar. my gallbladder literally was removed in pieces, and due to infection, I was hospitalized for a week.
This is the wonderful healthcare Stanford Hospital gives its employees and their families.
Crescent Park
on Feb 5, 2013 at 11:15 am
on Feb 5, 2013 at 11:15 am
@ Kid --- don't you think Kaiser should shoulder the brunt of the blame for the mis-diagnosis and then subsequent personal pain?
I can see Stanford's reason here - they don't want fellow employees treating their colleagues and friends. Not a good mix.
Downtown North
on Feb 5, 2013 at 11:18 am
on Feb 5, 2013 at 11:18 am
Dear City Manager, I have worked in the healthcare sector since 1968 and my advice is "to hope for the best; plan for the worst." Nevertheless, here is some perspective.
1. Healthcare insurance costs have outpaced inflation for as long as I can remember and will continue to do so. Why: continuous tech advances; aging demographics; baby bust slowly adds risks to the insured pool; growth of uninsured, ie so many citizens out of the risk pool. No new news here.
2. Yes, study and adopt most of Stanford Univ. health insurance policies: keen attention to price and quality for its employees
3. Yes, seek best health plan design, pricing and quality outcomes via CalPers. COPA is too small to get long term price/quality advantages.
4. Shifting costs to employees gives some short term, one-time advantage to any employer. Make city health plans competitive with upper tier employers. But cost drivers arent addressed by cost shifting. Very regressive to lower paid families.
5. BEWARE of cafeteria plans and consultants who recommend them. Too complicated to explain here, but employees (especially those with working spouses) are extremely savvy and rational...they seek the highest economic value to both wage earners; consequently, risk pool advantages often tip away from naive employers seeking to spice up the overall benefit program.
6. COPA is blessed with local expertise. Just sit down individually with Stanford, Kaiser and Palo Alto Medical Foundation and ask them the best way to purchase healthcare insurance programs. Then use your consultants...they are necessary evils.
My free advice; worth only what you have paid for it.
another community
on Feb 5, 2013 at 11:49 am
on Feb 5, 2013 at 11:49 am
I am a retired Palo Alto employee and here's what I get:
1. I get a small pension from CALPERS.
2. I get Social Security, but my benefit is reduced by 20% because I get the small CALPERS pension.
3. I pay the Medicare Part B premium from my reduced SS benefit.
4. I get "Medigap"coverage through Kaiser that is paid for by the City.
That's it. And I am grateful to SEIU for negotiating this package.
I hope this clears up some of the confusion. I don't feel as if I'm "ripping off" anyone.
Crescent Park
on Feb 5, 2013 at 11:51 am
on Feb 5, 2013 at 11:51 am
Extend Medicare to all and force health insurance companies to compete in the supplemental insurance market. This is what most health care professionals and people who have studied the problem suggest.
For goodness sake, Republican go on and on about small business, but one of the biggest issues for small business, and small towns, is health care. Removing the link from health care to employment would be a good thing for people and small business alike, but a bad thing for the very corporations who use health care to extort workers and funnel more money to the leviathan corporatocracy.
This is ultimately going to happen because there is no way to care for everyone with the current system, and pretending that people can and will go to Emergency Room is a very think lie.
Crescent Park
on Feb 5, 2013 at 11:55 am
on Feb 5, 2013 at 11:55 am
Nurse's Kid ... when I had a chance in the company I worked for to choose Stanford I did thinking surely Stanford is the best and most advanced place around here for health care. When I went there ... and I am not talking Stanford Hospital by the way, I was severely disappointed at their performance. Only lately have I been hearing from other health care professionals that Stanford really does not have such a great reputation. Sorry for what happened to you, that must be a lifelong pain that you cannot get rid of.
another community
on Feb 5, 2013 at 12:06 pm
on Feb 5, 2013 at 12:06 pm
The same managers who week after week preach gloom and doom to the Council are a huge part issue, Keene, Benest, Shen, Etc come to PA late in their careers and then retire with the same or as it is now, better benefits than CPA employees who've worked 30+ years for the CPA!
That never should have been done in the first place, and retiree medical costs have spiked recently partly because CPA employees are retiring in droves because CPA is now defaulting on agreements it made in years past. Sone CPA employees didn't take raised in good times for better retiree benefits. Instead of CPA funding accounts for those future benefits they gambled and lost. The 30 year CPA employees should be paying the price for short time managers and CPA's failure to fund future costs.
Barron Park
on Feb 5, 2013 at 1:09 pm
on Feb 5, 2013 at 1:09 pm
City of Palo Alto: can't fix our roads,can't figure out shuttles/buses for kids (keeping parents on the road/more traffic) or the public, can't decide on an "art" fountain without making it into a political issue, can't manage traffic, can't get any response about issues unless you are on their side, doesn't listen to residents (except those with same view), doesn't listen to businesses but not only will we pay for your over the top salaries but wait, must be great! Staff from City of Palo Alto must be laughing all the way to their big homes in other Bay Area cities!
Crescent Park
on Feb 5, 2013 at 3:20 pm
on Feb 5, 2013 at 3:20 pm
Retired Employee...Thank you for shedding light on your situation. Often people love to say cruel and rash comments without realizing that people on all sides are affected by these decisions.
Jake..You are right on...Benest elected to push and get approved the 2.7 @55 and then jumped ship...then Keene get's on board, get's it for him, along with medical for life and then switches it for others, mainly new employees. And yes, to my understanding City Council elected to keep their medical for life benefit after serving one term in office...they stated if they did away with that it would cause qualified candidates to not want to run for office! We have too many council members and too many managers that get hired on later in life and do 5 years and then leave...while employees working 20-30 years suffer the harshest treatment from management, and criticism from the public.
Mark...City workers I have dealt with work hard and have gone overboard in my opinion. If they are laughing all the way to their must be all the way to Tracy because your right, they can't afford anything in this area.
Let's get real people! We could have 1 great library, with another one as a secondary source and one or two book mobiles. Let's get with the times!
Another Palo Alto neighborhood
on Feb 5, 2013 at 4:29 pm
on Feb 5, 2013 at 4:29 pm
> I am a retired Palo Alto employee and here's
> what I get:
> 1. I get a small pension from CALPERS.
> 2. I get Social Security, but my benefit is reduced
> by 20% because I get the small CALPERS pension.
Well, there's a lot of missing information here.
1) How many years of employment are involved here?
2) Most SIEU types claim that they don't get SS and CalPERS pensions. Did you work in the private sector before working for the City? If so, how many years in the private sector, and how many in the public sector?
3) What was your exit salary when you retired from your last employer?
4) How many years have you been retired, and drawing benefits?
5) Does your spouse draw any retirement benefits, if you are married?
6) Just how "small" is "small"?
Any chance you can fill in the gaps for us?
on Feb 5, 2013 at 6:44 pm
on Feb 5, 2013 at 6:44 pm
If I remember correctly, back in 2005/2006 the city council enriched the pension benefit to 3% per year worked, in exchange the unions gave some back on the medical. Supposedly, this was to solve the escalating medical costs in the city budget.
Instead, we the taxpayers got escalating liability for pension benefits and it didn't solve the escalating medical costs.
Klein is the only remaining council member who was there, and vote for this.
Meadow Park
on Feb 5, 2013 at 6:59 pm
on Feb 5, 2013 at 6:59 pm
I don't get why there is a problem. Obamacare was supposed to fix all of this by causing health care costs to decline across the board.
Another Palo Alto neighborhood
on Feb 6, 2013 at 11:02 am
on Feb 6, 2013 at 11:02 am
Buy the way, CalPERS claims that its average retiree draws about $36,000 in pension benefits, whereas Social Security claims its payouts are closer to about $12,000-$16,000 a year.
With the current generation of retirees, a goodly percentage now making over $100K to $200K--pensions for these people will be 82% to over 90% (for public safety employees). The salaries for Redwood City and Mountain View were printed in today's Daily News, so it's not hard to see how many of these people are now making over $200K, and some are now pushing $300K yearly salaries.
The idea that the taxpayers should be paying for lifetime healthcare for retired employees who are drawing over $200K in pension payouts boggles the mind!
Old Palo Alto
on Feb 7, 2013 at 8:14 pm
on Feb 7, 2013 at 8:14 pm
ObamaCare will fix everything, so whats the problem? Maybe Keene and Klein are worried how they are going to pay for the multi-million dollar over expenditures on the restored library and California Ave. fiasco. By listening to those posting comments, I guess Keene's effort to divert public attention to himself and his senior management staff's inabilities as managers and costing taxpaying residents millions of dollars in cost overruns is somehow acceptable. Nice thing about Palo Alto residents is their attention span lacks longevity and can easily be diverted.