A row of dilapidated houses near one of Palo Alto's busiest intersections will likely make way for a three-story development with retail, offices and apartments.
The 32,524-square-foot building would stand at a site currently occupied by four single-story houses on a traffic-heavy block of Page Mill Road, just east of El Camino Real. The homes are largely in disrepair and look increasingly out of place on a commercial block that includes Kelly Moore Paint Store and the AT&T store. The site also lies in close proximity to the large AOL office development at 395 Page Mill Road.
The city's Architectural Review Board on Thursday had its first discussion of the building, proposed by architectural firm Stoecker and Northway, and while the final details for the development have yet to be approved, the project is off to an auspicious start.
The city has already rezoned the site at 441 Page Mill Road to accommodate commercial use. On Thursday, the board had mostly positive things to say after hearing a presentation by architect John Northway. Though board members had a few concerns, including the building's setback and the location of its balconies, they agreed that the project is going in the right direction and voiced general support for the project.
The new proposal (as well as its reception) is radically different from the one the city had considered for the site in 2008. At that time, Palo Alto officials explored building a five-story luxury hotel at 411 Page Mill Road. The hotel project was slammed by various commissioners and members of the surrounding neighborhoods, with critics basically agreeing that the proposed hotel was far too big and dense for the site.
The new proposal would also bring more development to the site, though officials generally agree that this is not a bad thing given the surrounding area and the nature of Page Mill Road, a main thoroughfare. Board member Alex Lew said he supports the idea of a mixed-use building.
"Before, we saw a hotel project on this site an it wasn't a very good fit," Lew said. "This one does seem to me to fit in the big picture."
Northway said the building's façade is consistent with what architects and city planners envision for the increasingly urban future of Page Mill Road, a major conduit that runs through the middle of the city between U.S. Highway 101 and Interstate Highway 280.
"I think the urban design of Page Mill Road will be changing and probably in five years this will be regarded as a charming little building sitting on Page Mill Road," Northway said.
The proposal is the latest in a large pile of mixed-use buildings currently going through the city's planning process. But while most of these -- including planned four-story developments at 135 Hamilton Ave. and 611 Cowper St. -- consist largely of office space and small residential components (the Hamilton project would include two units and the Cowper one would include one), the Page Mill building would include eight residential units on the third floor. The first floor of the three-story, 40-foot-tall building would be devoted to retail and the second floor to offices. Three of these units would be affordable housing, of which there is a gaping need in Palo Alto.
Northway said that project could have an option for 10 units, though board member Randy Popp suggested that this might be a little too much for the site.
"I'm concerned that going this route, where you have 10 units and more variety, actually causes more problems and more challenges than a simpler plan," Popp said.
Popp quickly added that it's "exciting to see this relatively to what we have now."
The proposal is the latest step in the ongoing intensification of the area around the California Avenue Business District. The city is targeting the area for greater development density because of its location near the Caltrain station and near the California Avenue commercial strip. Among the most ambitious projects that the city is currently looking at is a proposal by developer Jay Paul to build two office buildings totally 311,000 square feet ear the AOL buildings.
The proposal by Northway, on behalf of property owner Norm Schwab, is nowhere near the scale of the Jay Paul's. But according to a report from Palo Alto's planning staff, neighbors had expressed concerns about an increase in traffic, loss of privacy and the building's density. Northway responded by placing the building further from the rear property line, planting a row of trees as a buffer and further setting back the building's third story.
The board had a few suggestions pertaining to architectural details such as the design of the facade and the placement of the balcony, with Lew urging Northway to reposition the balconies in a way to give building residents views of the foothills. Board member Lee Lippert also suggested that Northway consider a more "bold" design, possibly with greater height,
But all three board members who participated in the discussion (Clare Malone Prichard recused herself and Naseem Alizadeh was absent) supported Northway's vision. Lippert said he was particularly pleased with the retail element in the mixed-use building.
"Every solution is a compromise. It's a choice and someone is going to be unhappy because the definition of a good compromise is that everybody walks away unhappy," Lippert said. "In this case, you really minimized the blow."
The proposal, Lippert said, would be a vast improvement over the site's current use.
"This site has really be in desperate need of redevelopment and it really is an eyesore on our community," Lippert said.
on Mar 21, 2013 at 2:54 pm
on Mar 21, 2013 at 2:54 pm
This is great news. I never understood why these houses weren't purchased and redeveloped. It is also a TERRIBLE idea for parking to be permitted on Oregon Expressway next to these houses and next to the AT&T store.
another community
on Mar 21, 2013 at 5:20 pm
on Mar 21, 2013 at 5:20 pm
I'm curious how the NIMBYs will react, would they rather have those houses go to rot on that site?
Palo Verde
on Mar 21, 2013 at 5:28 pm
on Mar 21, 2013 at 5:28 pm
Is "density" a quantifiable parameter? Is a 3-story structure 3 times more dense than one story? Or do we measure it by how much traffic is generated? When I drive by the San Antonio development I see five or six times the density that was there before. It will be interesting when fully populated.
And if parking along Oregon is a terrible idea, than what about all the parking along El Camino -- same speed limit, same traffic modulation by the stop-lights at intersections.
Duveneck/St. Francis
on Mar 21, 2013 at 6:19 pm
on Mar 21, 2013 at 6:19 pm
@musical At least El Camino has three lanes, and good long double left turn lanes.
If removing street parking from Oregon Expressway would allow two full dedicated northbound left turn lanes, and if the new development at the NW corner allowed a dedicated right turn lane, it could make a big impact on the traffic congestion at the Oregon/El Camino intersection.
Community Center
on Mar 21, 2013 at 6:32 pm
on Mar 21, 2013 at 6:32 pm
Anything would look better than what is there now, so sto complaining.
Community Center
on Mar 21, 2013 at 6:35 pm
on Mar 21, 2013 at 6:35 pm
Wait, how old are these houses? Maybe they ate historic. Maybe Eichler once was inside one f them.
Barron Park
on Mar 21, 2013 at 10:32 pm
on Mar 21, 2013 at 10:32 pm
Those homes have been there since the Mid 40's They should be replaced but I don't think a three story High Density development is the way to go.
Every development in this town now suffers from The Ugly, Mass Density, No parking Blues. The developers now seem only to care about the dollar, Not Beautification, Not Architecture and certainly they don't care about Palo Alto.
The City Council doesn't care....
Registered user
Barron Park
on Mar 22, 2013 at 1:46 am
Registered user
on Mar 22, 2013 at 1:46 am
Getting traffic through the PageMill/ElCamino intersection is vital to the economic health of Palo Alto -- the residents, the companies here, the City. That intersection is already closing in on a "Level of Service" (LOS) that traffic engineers term as "failing" and yet the City is pushing for substantial increases in traffic in locations that have outsized impact on the LOS without any credible plan to handle such traffic.
The City and the developer cook the numbers or such take the position that "it will work out". For example, there was a meeting about the development at 195 Page Mill (between Park and the tracks) that was held on-site. The staff report had Park Blvd as having a good LOS, but during that meeting, the backup for the on-ramp to Oregon Expy was 4 blocks, and the delays were far beyond the threshold for a failing LOS. So did staff go with what they could see with their own eyes, or the numbers needed to let the developer make huge profits. If you didn't guess the latter, you don't know Palo Alto.
Old Palo Alto
on Mar 22, 2013 at 10:51 am
on Mar 22, 2013 at 10:51 am
I hope the Animal Doctors will be allowed to stay.
Old Palo Alto
on Mar 22, 2013 at 11:30 am
on Mar 22, 2013 at 11:30 am
Hopefully the buildings won't be hideous, like every other commercial building going up in Palo Alto.
Menlo Park
on Mar 22, 2013 at 12:18 pm
on Mar 22, 2013 at 12:18 pm
It would be sad if the animal doctors were forced to move again. The owner of the animal doctor Dr.Lagerwerff had move once from avy avenue in Menlo Park to his current location on page mill. He is the greatest animal vet on the peninsula and it would be sad if we was forced out for new buildings that will serve no purpose.
Old Palo Alto
on Mar 22, 2013 at 12:55 pm
on Mar 22, 2013 at 12:55 pm
Right, appratments on the top floor included - great, mixed-used development, more available housing, same as in the corner building where AT&T is... no, wait, those never came on the market
Palo Verde
on Mar 22, 2013 at 4:51 pm
on Mar 22, 2013 at 4:51 pm
Mr Recycle did you mean two full dedicated <<southbound>> left turn lanes? The bigger impediment there by AT&T on Page Mill/Oregon is the bus stop, which can bring the right lane of traffic to a standstill through the entire green light cycle.
The capacity of left turn lanes could be immediately improved with a little reminder for drivers to not leave an entire car length empty behind the next vehicle when waiting at the red.
I agree that dedicated right turn lanes could help throughput, but conflicts with bicycles and pedestrians are problematic.
Menlo Park
on Mar 22, 2013 at 4:59 pm
on Mar 22, 2013 at 4:59 pm
I cross the intersection at Page and El Camino every week day at 9:30 am as a part of my regular commute. It is a mess. Traffic is almost always backed up to the rail crossing underpass.
Here's and idea,
Lets make it worse.
Registered user
Mountain View
on Mar 23, 2013 at 9:45 am
Registered user
on Mar 23, 2013 at 9:45 am
I have a suggestion:
Since Mountain View just found a home for sections of the Berlin Wall, Why not allow the building of a typical "Block of Flats " that you can find all over Eastern Europe?
That would be a win-win for all the " money people " involved and would show the citizens of Palo Alto who is really the boss.
Just think: TWO memorials to see the CPSU type thinking at this very best! ( /sarcasm )
on Mar 23, 2013 at 9:56 am
on Mar 23, 2013 at 9:56 am
How many clowns can you stuff into a car? The new office building developments in Palo Alto are getting ridiculous. There were 3-4 perfectly functional looking single family, detached homes on this property (they only look trashed now b/c they've been empty and unkept since the tenants moved out and they put chain link fences around them). If each house had three cars, that's 12 cars total. Now, with a three story office building, I'd estimate there will be 20-30 cars (maybe more) needing to visit and park at the site daily. When the City changes the zoning to allow for these types of building, do they even consider the traffic impact it will have? It doesn't seem like they even care!
And who are these people on the Architectural Review Board? Do they realize how ugly and imposing some of the recent downtown developments are (Alma and Homer)? And they are concerned with which way the balconies face to have the best views of the hills? Why don't they do their job and focus on the aesthetics? Seems like their idea of "bold" = Big Oversized Lame Development. If Palo Alto is going to cram all these oversized buildings into our town, at least make them somewhat attractive!
Finally, if there is so much need for new office space in the Valley, why don't the developers look at East Palo Alto? There is an abundance of large, empty lots in that city, many just minutes from downtown Palo Alto. That city has the vacant land and needs the development. Would seem like a win/win for everyone!
Registered user
Barron Park
on Mar 23, 2013 at 10:03 am
Registered user
on Mar 23, 2013 at 10:03 am
The 3 story part does not bother me.
Lack of a OFF STREET BIG TRUCK Delivery area, and OFF Street parking with more spaces (at least 25% SUV sized) than Units (very few residents have just 1 car) .
PA Never requires these to have enough parking or sized for the typical mix of vehicles.
Downtown North
on Mar 23, 2013 at 10:15 pm
on Mar 23, 2013 at 10:15 pm
" Lee Lippert also suggested that Northway consider a more "bold" design, possibly with greater height,"
Architect Lippert is something else. I wonder what makes him advocate so often for big development that Palo Altans dont want. I wonder who is calling the tune. Maybe that's how he makes a living.
on Mar 24, 2013 at 1:18 pm
on Mar 24, 2013 at 1:18 pm
A three-story building is fine, it is an improvement, but a taller building, especially if it is too close to the sidewalk, will be another JCC: glaring, hard-edged, in-your-face, obstructional, obtrusive and ugly. As with the JCC, it just isn't safe to close your eyes until you pass it. Depending on your location near San Antonio and Charleston, it is unavoidable. We cannot expect drivers to close their eyes whenever they approach an over-sized, unattractive building.
So, please, not another one! Limit the height, limit the hard edges, limit the proximity to the sidewalk, and soften it all with some lush landscaping.
Community Center
on Mar 24, 2013 at 1:29 pm
on Mar 24, 2013 at 1:29 pm
Let's bash the JCC again. It has been awhile. Nothing wrong with the JCC except that a few people just cannot let it go-- most people like it or do not care. Forgetting the fact that the JCC was vetted by the public and city committees and council-- lets remember that it did replace the lovely sun facility and the KFC
Crescent Park
on Mar 25, 2013 at 12:44 pm
on Mar 25, 2013 at 12:44 pm
It's hard to let go when the JCC is so "in your face" every time you drive by it.
Just remember that people are reacting to the design and presentation of the building - not what goes on inside. So don't take it personally (unless you're the architect I suppose).
College Terrace
on Mar 25, 2013 at 1:06 pm
on Mar 25, 2013 at 1:06 pm
My pup and I love The Animal Doctors. I hope they can stay!
Community Center
on Mar 25, 2013 at 9:06 pm
on Mar 25, 2013 at 9:06 pm
Crescent park dad-- yes it is so traumatic, having to see the JCC for the 5 or 10 seconds when you drive by it-- so in your face. How the residents of palo alto must be suffering. And it was such a lovely location previously, befor the JCC was built. Thank goodness they have not replaced the two lovely gas stations and hanger like structure on the other corners