
Rise of committees divides Palo Alto council

Some members think new committees are both exclusive and overstepping their authority

When the Palo Alto City Council prepared to go into a closed-door meeting last week to discuss the future of Cubberley Community Center, neighborhood leaders and community activists weren't the only people to express shock and concern.

Some members of the council also seemed to have been caught off guard, a rare occurrence given that it's the council that normally decides how it should tackle issues. But on April 22, after several residents and community activists argued that the closed session should not take place on a subject of such public interest, council members themselves offered their agreement.

Councilwoman Karen Holman was one who sided with the speakers. She said a closed session at this time would be "premature" and argued that the city should first hold a public meeting. A public discussion, she said, would "speak better to transparency."

Councilman Greg Schmid said he found it "striking" that the council was scheduled to hold a closed session. He said his understanding was that there was an agreement to hold a public discussion on the Cubberley report -- "a promise to both the (Cubberley Community Advisory) Committee and the community for an open discussion."

Faced with pressure, the council voted unanimously, with Liz Kniss absent, to hold a public hearing on May 13 and a closed session on May 20. But while the discussion assuaged the community concerns for the time being, it left one questioned unanswered: How did this closed session that most council members didn't want to have end up on the council's agenda in the first place?

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The idea came from the Cubberley Policy Advisory Committee, a group of three council members and two school board members who have met periodically to discuss Cubberley and to track the progress of the broader Cubberley Community Advisory Committee -- 28 community stakeholders who worked for much of the past year on a voluminous study with recommendations on the future of the south Palo Alto community center.

Councilman Larry Klein, who serves on the committee with Mayor Greg Scharff and Vice Mayor Nancy Shepherd, told the Weekly he and his colleagues felt they had enough information to go into negotiations and put it on the full council's agenda.

"I think the three members of the committee, Greg Scharff, Nancy Shepherd and I, felt that we're ready to move forward with negotiations," Klein said. "We got the report from the citizens committee, and we talked with the city attorney, who said this would be perfectly allowable under the Brown Act because we're talking about negotiations with lease terms."


'I think several of my colleagues not only disagreed whether there should be a closed session first, but we have misgivings about the process in which it got agendized,' Pat Burt said.

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The decision to schedule the meeting didn't sit well with his colleagues, some of whom told the Weekly in interviews this week that they believe the committee had overstepped its boundaries. Committees typically limit their input to issuing recommendations. The full council then considers the recommendation and issues a decision. In this case, members of a committee decided to alter what has so far been a highly inclusive process on Cubberley by scheduling the session without the council at large weighing in.

"The committees don't make the decisions; they make recommendations," Holman said. "There was not a decision by the full council to have a closed meeting."

Councilwoman Gail Price voiced a similar sentiment, saying the closed session on Cubberley caught people off guard because the process felt "a little bit of unorthodox."

"It was a situation where it just evolved and where there were no discussions about what was the appropriate response," Price said. "We never had a public discussion of next steps. I think that's a key issue."

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Councilman Pat Burt was more blunt in his assessment.

"I think several of my colleagues not only disagreed whether there should be a closed session first, but we have misgivings about the process in which it got agendized," Burt said. "I certainly don't think it was a wise decision to simply agendize a closed session."

The Cubberley policy committee, which was formed last year and has just disbanded, is one of a crop of "ad hoc" council committees that have been popping up in Palo Alto in recent years. Earlier this year, the council formed the Infrastructure Committee, which has been meeting to discuss the potential infrastructure bond that would go on the November 2014 ballot. Next month, the new Technology and the Connected City Committee will meet for the first time, with the goal of implementing a citywide high-speed Internet system. Then there is the Rail Committee, which focuses on high-speed rail and Caltrain, and the drily but aptly named Regional Housing Mandate Committee, which has been debating and disputing housing mandates from the Association of Bay Area Governments.

Council committees are a longstanding part of Palo Alto's famously thorough democratic process, though the nature and the number of these committees have undergone gradual changes. The council's two "standing" committees, the Finance Committee and the Policy and Service Committee, are permanent and typically have no overlap in membership. This means that on a nine-member council, every council member except the mayor is assured a seat on one of these two committees. The mayor makes the appointments.

However, "ad hoc" committees typically have narrower scopes and finite shelf lives (though the Rail Committee and the Regional Housing Mandate Committee are both stretching the definition of "finite"). The Municipal Code empowers either the council or the mayor to set up what it calls "special committees," though it specifies that the mayor's committees are "subject to approval of the council."

The council's protocols, however, don't require the mayor to get the council's approval before appointing an ad hoc committee, as long as the mayor publicly announces the committee, its membership and its stated purpose. The city manager is also required by the council procedures to prepare a report about the "anticipated time commitment for staff to assist the ad hoc committee" and allows the council to terminate such committees through a majority vote.

In practice, these committees have generally been informal affairs with more questions and back-and-forth exchanges than would be possible in a regular council meeting. Committees allow four council members to delve into an issue, ask questions of staff and then issue a recommendation to the council at large. When the committee recommendation is unanimous, the full council typically approves it on its "consent calendar" without discussion.

Klein, who has served on the council for much of the 1980s before returning to the council in 2005, said he does not recall a time where there have been so many committees. This growth, he said, is partly driven by an increasing number of outside forces that warrant the council's response -- whether a high-speed rail system threatening to bisect the city along the railroad tracks or regional planning agencies demanding that Palo Alto plan for more housing.

Local issues are also a major factor. There are more demands today on council members, Klein said, than there have been in all the years he had served on the council.

"Our population isn't that much larger than it was 15 or 20 years ago, but we are in many ways a bigger place with much more demands," Klein said. "Lots more issues seem to arise from the things that we do."

The committees have value in that they "allow people to focus intensely on particular issues," Klein said. Council members have a chance to discuss things in a more leisurely setting and have staff on hand to answer questions.


The fact that Scharff, Klein and Shepherd are serving on just about every new ad hoc committee and that four other council members aren't sitting on any of them has not gone unnoticed by the rest of the council.


If a growing number of local issues is one reason for the proliferation of committees, the style of Palo Alto's 2013 mayor is another one. Since taking helm in January, Scharff has been shredding the notion that a mayor's post is nominal or ceremonial. In this sense, he is a sharp contrast from the two mayors who preceded him. Sid Espinosa, the city's 2011 mayor, may best be remembered for his polished presence, smooth delivery and magical ability to appear at every ceremony. Yiaway Yeh, the 2012 mayor, was known for mild-mannered inclusiveness, love of compromise and devotion to community engagement.

Scharff, by contrast, is an aggressive pragmatist who has no qualms about setting big goals and shaking things up. He has added time estimates to each discussion of an agenda item and has been diligent about making sure meetings don't stretch until past midnight, a common practice in the past. He has also just created a committee (an act that is usually done by the council) to focus on technology and, through his power to make appointments, put his stamp on Palo Alto's other ad hoc committees.

While the council's tradition keeps the mayor from serving on the two standing committees, Scharff has been a consistent presence on the new ad hoc committees. He currently serves on the Regional Housing Mandate Committee, the Infrastructure Committee and the new Technology and the Connected City committee. He has also served on the Cubberley Policy Advisory Committee, taking over for Yeh after the latter concluded his term in December.

In an interview this week, Scharff praised committees as important tools for exploring issues.

"The committees allow the council to delve deep into issues that you can't deal with at council meetings," Scharff said. "You can go way into the weeds and get a strong understanding what the issues are and what the concerns are. That's a really useful and valuable tool to make policy."

Scharff isn't the only council member juggling a full load of committee assignments. In addition to appointing himself to every ad hoc committee except the Rail Committee, Scharff has also brought Klein and Shepherd along. Both serve with him on the Infrastructure Committee, with Marc Berman as the fourth member. The trio had also served together on the Cubberley Committee and will also serve together on the Technology committee, where Liz Kniss will round out the membership. The fact that Scharff, Klein and Shepherd are serving on just about every new ad hoc committee and that four other council members aren't sitting on any of them has not gone unnoticed by the rest of the council.

"I think the committees should have broad participation and representation," Holman said in a recent interview, when asked about the membership overlap of committees.

Scharff said that he bases his appointment decisions on who expresses interest in serving. For the new technology commission, he said, only five people said they were willing to serve. But several council members said they had made a case that they should be included on the new ad hoc committees but were not selected. Holman, Schmid, Burt and Price all said they had such experiences, to various degrees.

Schmid, a former school board member who lives in south Palo Alto, said he made a case for serving on the Cubberley committee but was not chosen.

"There is a striking anomaly," Schmid told the Weekly. "There are two council members who were elected who reside south of Oregon (himself and Price). The population of the city is divided 50-50. But there are no members who live south of Oregon who are on any of the new committees."

Price also said she believes assignments should be dispersed among all council members.

"I think it's really, really important to be thoughtful about assignments and about opportunities," Price said. "I feel very strong about that."

Burt, who had served as mayor in 2010, said the composition of the committees is in many ways a reflection of the new mayor's style, which includes "making a lot of decisions unilaterally."

"The mayor is looked upon to do the best job he or she can in trying to be impartial," Burt said. "We all bring a certain amount of bias with us. We have individual perspectives and we don't expect perfection, but we expect mayors to really work and be really self-reflective about it.

"I think there needs to be some reconsideration about what's going on," he said.

Scharff's decision to unilaterally create the technology committee also didn't sit well with everyone. Burt said there were "legitimate questions about whether that was the best way to go about it" and said the committee's creation would have benefited from a public conversation. The council didn't discuss the committee's existence or its potential membership because it wasn't given the opportunity, Burt said.

"I think there was a reluctance to have that discussion after the mayor has already acted on his own," Burt said.


Several council members told the Weekly they felt the Infrastructure Committee had overstepped its authority in considering an expedited timeline without direction from the full council.


Committee memberships are particularly important these days given the magnitude of the issues being considered and the committees' growing autonomy. The Infrastructure Committee, for instance, is tasked with helping the council meet its deadline for placing a bond measure on the November 2014 ballot, a funding mechanism that could impact the city for decades. In its last two meetings, it has also discussed the proposed Jay Paul development for 395 Page Mill Road, which would bring 311,000 square feet of new commercial space to a site that is already built out to the maximum under the zoning regulations. In exchange, Jay Paul offered to build the city a new police building -- the Holy Grail of city infrastructure needs.

Two meetings ago, the four-person committee had asked staff to come back with a new timeline for reviewing this proposal so that the review process would coincide with the drive toward a bond measure and the council would know whether the police building should be included on the measure. On April 16, the committee heard a report from staff about an expedited timeline that would limit reviews by the city's famously thorough Planning and Transportation Commission and Architectural Review Board to one formal meeting each and allow the council to vote on the project within a year -- an effective sprint for a project this size when compared to other developments.

(The new process also allows the architecture board to hold a "preliminary hearing" on the project in June, which doesn't allow a vote, and gives the planning commission a chance to discuss the Environmental Impact Report for the project in a September meeting. On Thursday, staff recommended pushing the council hearing to March 2014.)

Committee members emphasized at the April 22 meeting that they aren't changing the process for the review, just making it faster. Klein made the same point in an interview this week, saying the committee didn't modify the schedule but just "squeezed it tighter," while keeping all the legally required steps in place.

"Two meetings (for the planning commission and the architectural board) is not required by anything in the ordinance. It's not essential. It's not in the code," Klein said.

But whether or not squeezing the schedule constitutes changing it, the committee's tacit endorsement of the new timeline (there was no vote) concerned several other council members, who told the Weekly they felt the committee had overstepped its authority in considering an expedited timeline without direction from the full council.

"I think there could've been other ways in which it could've been brought forward," Price said. "I know we're trying to be efficient by having ad hoc committees and all of that, but the fact is, if they felt there should be a modified schedule, that should've been a recommendation brought back to the full City Council for discussion.

"If it appears like, by fiat, we are changing the process, I don't think that's a good way to go."

Holman and Schmid made similar points, challenging Klein's stance that the discussion on a tightened schedule is a minor matter that did not need the full council's input. Holman said she was concerned that an expedited schedule would lead to a premature decision. The fact that the committee did not take a formal vote on the tightened schedule did not ease her concerns.

"Sometimes, by not making a decision or not rolling recommendation up to the council, we are making decisions because the calendar dictates them, or other actions and activities dictate them," Holman said.

"I understand we have a 2014 election cycle we're trying to catch, but I'm a little concerned about rushing to judgment and having a premature decision on a public-safety building as part of a project that hasn't been fully vetted and viewed.

"Those are big decisions to be made," she added. "They're not committee-level decisions."

Burt suggested that the members of the Infrastructure Committee may be a little too enthusiastic about the Jay Paul proposal, which at 311,000 square feet is the largest commercial project in the city's current pile of development applications (in terms of floor area, is about 50 percent larger than John Arrillaga's proposed office towers for 27 University Ave.). Burt has argued that the Jay Paul development should be significantly reconsidered, keeping in mind the city's and community vision for the site. This could mean significantly reducing the proposed size, rather than negotiating minor adjustments, Burt said.

"We now have a process being driven by a few council members who I think may be too enamored with the public benefit of the project, and it's moving us in a direction that the community is going to be very upset about," Burt said.

"Frankly, if we want to go to the community for infrastructure funding, I've been very concerned that we are alienating the community by continuing to consider proposed projects that are out of scale."

Burt said he wasn't aware that the council had delegated to the committee the power to change the process. The council, he said, "had not intended to defer to the committee to the degree that the committee is acting."

"I don't believe that subcommittee has the authority to request or direct staff to change the process of review to that project," Burt said. "Under our protocols, I don't see where that authority exists."

Schmid also took issue with the process for the Jay Paul application, which under the revised schedule would get to the council at the end of the year. He said he was "struck" by the scheduling change.

"The judgment of whether the council should or should not be involved in something is not the role or function of the committee," Schmid said. "The committee's role is to make recommendation on council action."

Scharff said the committee was simply trying to retain Jay Paul's proposal for a new police building as an option in the city's conversation about infrastructure by coordinating it with the process for the bond measure. If the infrastructure bond and the Jay Paul application aren't planned in a coordinated way, Scharff said, the city would lose the option of having a police building as a "public benefit" of the development.

"What we're trying to do is to make sure that the timing of the Jay Paul project makes the public-safety building a possibility as a public benefit."

Council members also expressed broader concerns about the recent proliferation of committees. Burt said that while they generally serve a valuable purpose, they should not be permanent unless absolutely necessary.

"I think we do need to continue to question the necessity of each of them," Burt said.

Price said committees serve an important role when they reflect the focus of the full council (this year's priorities include infrastructure and technology). But she said she has broader concerns about the impact the new groups have on staff's workload. She also said she feels strongly about the fact that participation and leadership roles on the new committees should be spread out among all nine council members.

"I think it's really, really important for the ad hoc committees to be mindful of what they're doing and what their responsibilities and roles are, and the fact that they should be vetting things and going forward with the council's direction," Price said.

Schmid took a similar position.

"The notion of committees is that the work of the council would be spread out in equal portion," Schmid said. "With these new committees, they certainly don't do that."

Read the Weekly's editorial about this issue.

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Gennady Sheyner
Gennady Sheyner covers the City Hall beat in Palo Alto as well as regional politics, with a special focus on housing and transportation. Before joining the Palo Alto Weekly/ in 2008, he covered breaking news and local politics for the Waterbury Republican-American, a daily newspaper in Connecticut. Read more >>

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Rise of committees divides Palo Alto council

Some members think new committees are both exclusive and overstepping their authority

When the Palo Alto City Council prepared to go into a closed-door meeting last week to discuss the future of Cubberley Community Center, neighborhood leaders and community activists weren't the only people to express shock and concern.

Some members of the council also seemed to have been caught off guard, a rare occurrence given that it's the council that normally decides how it should tackle issues. But on April 22, after several residents and community activists argued that the closed session should not take place on a subject of such public interest, council members themselves offered their agreement.

Councilwoman Karen Holman was one who sided with the speakers. She said a closed session at this time would be "premature" and argued that the city should first hold a public meeting. A public discussion, she said, would "speak better to transparency."

Councilman Greg Schmid said he found it "striking" that the council was scheduled to hold a closed session. He said his understanding was that there was an agreement to hold a public discussion on the Cubberley report -- "a promise to both the (Cubberley Community Advisory) Committee and the community for an open discussion."

Faced with pressure, the council voted unanimously, with Liz Kniss absent, to hold a public hearing on May 13 and a closed session on May 20. But while the discussion assuaged the community concerns for the time being, it left one questioned unanswered: How did this closed session that most council members didn't want to have end up on the council's agenda in the first place?

The idea came from the Cubberley Policy Advisory Committee, a group of three council members and two school board members who have met periodically to discuss Cubberley and to track the progress of the broader Cubberley Community Advisory Committee -- 28 community stakeholders who worked for much of the past year on a voluminous study with recommendations on the future of the south Palo Alto community center.

Councilman Larry Klein, who serves on the committee with Mayor Greg Scharff and Vice Mayor Nancy Shepherd, told the Weekly he and his colleagues felt they had enough information to go into negotiations and put it on the full council's agenda.

"I think the three members of the committee, Greg Scharff, Nancy Shepherd and I, felt that we're ready to move forward with negotiations," Klein said. "We got the report from the citizens committee, and we talked with the city attorney, who said this would be perfectly allowable under the Brown Act because we're talking about negotiations with lease terms."


'I think several of my colleagues not only disagreed whether there should be a closed session first, but we have misgivings about the process in which it got agendized,' Pat Burt said.


The decision to schedule the meeting didn't sit well with his colleagues, some of whom told the Weekly in interviews this week that they believe the committee had overstepped its boundaries. Committees typically limit their input to issuing recommendations. The full council then considers the recommendation and issues a decision. In this case, members of a committee decided to alter what has so far been a highly inclusive process on Cubberley by scheduling the session without the council at large weighing in.

"The committees don't make the decisions; they make recommendations," Holman said. "There was not a decision by the full council to have a closed meeting."

Councilwoman Gail Price voiced a similar sentiment, saying the closed session on Cubberley caught people off guard because the process felt "a little bit of unorthodox."

"It was a situation where it just evolved and where there were no discussions about what was the appropriate response," Price said. "We never had a public discussion of next steps. I think that's a key issue."

Councilman Pat Burt was more blunt in his assessment.

"I think several of my colleagues not only disagreed whether there should be a closed session first, but we have misgivings about the process in which it got agendized," Burt said. "I certainly don't think it was a wise decision to simply agendize a closed session."

The Cubberley policy committee, which was formed last year and has just disbanded, is one of a crop of "ad hoc" council committees that have been popping up in Palo Alto in recent years. Earlier this year, the council formed the Infrastructure Committee, which has been meeting to discuss the potential infrastructure bond that would go on the November 2014 ballot. Next month, the new Technology and the Connected City Committee will meet for the first time, with the goal of implementing a citywide high-speed Internet system. Then there is the Rail Committee, which focuses on high-speed rail and Caltrain, and the drily but aptly named Regional Housing Mandate Committee, which has been debating and disputing housing mandates from the Association of Bay Area Governments.

Council committees are a longstanding part of Palo Alto's famously thorough democratic process, though the nature and the number of these committees have undergone gradual changes. The council's two "standing" committees, the Finance Committee and the Policy and Service Committee, are permanent and typically have no overlap in membership. This means that on a nine-member council, every council member except the mayor is assured a seat on one of these two committees. The mayor makes the appointments.

However, "ad hoc" committees typically have narrower scopes and finite shelf lives (though the Rail Committee and the Regional Housing Mandate Committee are both stretching the definition of "finite"). The Municipal Code empowers either the council or the mayor to set up what it calls "special committees," though it specifies that the mayor's committees are "subject to approval of the council."

The council's protocols, however, don't require the mayor to get the council's approval before appointing an ad hoc committee, as long as the mayor publicly announces the committee, its membership and its stated purpose. The city manager is also required by the council procedures to prepare a report about the "anticipated time commitment for staff to assist the ad hoc committee" and allows the council to terminate such committees through a majority vote.

In practice, these committees have generally been informal affairs with more questions and back-and-forth exchanges than would be possible in a regular council meeting. Committees allow four council members to delve into an issue, ask questions of staff and then issue a recommendation to the council at large. When the committee recommendation is unanimous, the full council typically approves it on its "consent calendar" without discussion.

Klein, who has served on the council for much of the 1980s before returning to the council in 2005, said he does not recall a time where there have been so many committees. This growth, he said, is partly driven by an increasing number of outside forces that warrant the council's response -- whether a high-speed rail system threatening to bisect the city along the railroad tracks or regional planning agencies demanding that Palo Alto plan for more housing.

Local issues are also a major factor. There are more demands today on council members, Klein said, than there have been in all the years he had served on the council.

"Our population isn't that much larger than it was 15 or 20 years ago, but we are in many ways a bigger place with much more demands," Klein said. "Lots more issues seem to arise from the things that we do."

The committees have value in that they "allow people to focus intensely on particular issues," Klein said. Council members have a chance to discuss things in a more leisurely setting and have staff on hand to answer questions.


The fact that Scharff, Klein and Shepherd are serving on just about every new ad hoc committee and that four other council members aren't sitting on any of them has not gone unnoticed by the rest of the council.


If a growing number of local issues is one reason for the proliferation of committees, the style of Palo Alto's 2013 mayor is another one. Since taking helm in January, Scharff has been shredding the notion that a mayor's post is nominal or ceremonial. In this sense, he is a sharp contrast from the two mayors who preceded him. Sid Espinosa, the city's 2011 mayor, may best be remembered for his polished presence, smooth delivery and magical ability to appear at every ceremony. Yiaway Yeh, the 2012 mayor, was known for mild-mannered inclusiveness, love of compromise and devotion to community engagement.

Scharff, by contrast, is an aggressive pragmatist who has no qualms about setting big goals and shaking things up. He has added time estimates to each discussion of an agenda item and has been diligent about making sure meetings don't stretch until past midnight, a common practice in the past. He has also just created a committee (an act that is usually done by the council) to focus on technology and, through his power to make appointments, put his stamp on Palo Alto's other ad hoc committees.

While the council's tradition keeps the mayor from serving on the two standing committees, Scharff has been a consistent presence on the new ad hoc committees. He currently serves on the Regional Housing Mandate Committee, the Infrastructure Committee and the new Technology and the Connected City committee. He has also served on the Cubberley Policy Advisory Committee, taking over for Yeh after the latter concluded his term in December.

In an interview this week, Scharff praised committees as important tools for exploring issues.

"The committees allow the council to delve deep into issues that you can't deal with at council meetings," Scharff said. "You can go way into the weeds and get a strong understanding what the issues are and what the concerns are. That's a really useful and valuable tool to make policy."

Scharff isn't the only council member juggling a full load of committee assignments. In addition to appointing himself to every ad hoc committee except the Rail Committee, Scharff has also brought Klein and Shepherd along. Both serve with him on the Infrastructure Committee, with Marc Berman as the fourth member. The trio had also served together on the Cubberley Committee and will also serve together on the Technology committee, where Liz Kniss will round out the membership. The fact that Scharff, Klein and Shepherd are serving on just about every new ad hoc committee and that four other council members aren't sitting on any of them has not gone unnoticed by the rest of the council.

"I think the committees should have broad participation and representation," Holman said in a recent interview, when asked about the membership overlap of committees.

Scharff said that he bases his appointment decisions on who expresses interest in serving. For the new technology commission, he said, only five people said they were willing to serve. But several council members said they had made a case that they should be included on the new ad hoc committees but were not selected. Holman, Schmid, Burt and Price all said they had such experiences, to various degrees.

Schmid, a former school board member who lives in south Palo Alto, said he made a case for serving on the Cubberley committee but was not chosen.

"There is a striking anomaly," Schmid told the Weekly. "There are two council members who were elected who reside south of Oregon (himself and Price). The population of the city is divided 50-50. But there are no members who live south of Oregon who are on any of the new committees."

Price also said she believes assignments should be dispersed among all council members.

"I think it's really, really important to be thoughtful about assignments and about opportunities," Price said. "I feel very strong about that."

Burt, who had served as mayor in 2010, said the composition of the committees is in many ways a reflection of the new mayor's style, which includes "making a lot of decisions unilaterally."

"The mayor is looked upon to do the best job he or she can in trying to be impartial," Burt said. "We all bring a certain amount of bias with us. We have individual perspectives and we don't expect perfection, but we expect mayors to really work and be really self-reflective about it.

"I think there needs to be some reconsideration about what's going on," he said.

Scharff's decision to unilaterally create the technology committee also didn't sit well with everyone. Burt said there were "legitimate questions about whether that was the best way to go about it" and said the committee's creation would have benefited from a public conversation. The council didn't discuss the committee's existence or its potential membership because it wasn't given the opportunity, Burt said.

"I think there was a reluctance to have that discussion after the mayor has already acted on his own," Burt said.


Several council members told the Weekly they felt the Infrastructure Committee had overstepped its authority in considering an expedited timeline without direction from the full council.


Committee memberships are particularly important these days given the magnitude of the issues being considered and the committees' growing autonomy. The Infrastructure Committee, for instance, is tasked with helping the council meet its deadline for placing a bond measure on the November 2014 ballot, a funding mechanism that could impact the city for decades. In its last two meetings, it has also discussed the proposed Jay Paul development for 395 Page Mill Road, which would bring 311,000 square feet of new commercial space to a site that is already built out to the maximum under the zoning regulations. In exchange, Jay Paul offered to build the city a new police building -- the Holy Grail of city infrastructure needs.

Two meetings ago, the four-person committee had asked staff to come back with a new timeline for reviewing this proposal so that the review process would coincide with the drive toward a bond measure and the council would know whether the police building should be included on the measure. On April 16, the committee heard a report from staff about an expedited timeline that would limit reviews by the city's famously thorough Planning and Transportation Commission and Architectural Review Board to one formal meeting each and allow the council to vote on the project within a year -- an effective sprint for a project this size when compared to other developments.

(The new process also allows the architecture board to hold a "preliminary hearing" on the project in June, which doesn't allow a vote, and gives the planning commission a chance to discuss the Environmental Impact Report for the project in a September meeting. On Thursday, staff recommended pushing the council hearing to March 2014.)

Committee members emphasized at the April 22 meeting that they aren't changing the process for the review, just making it faster. Klein made the same point in an interview this week, saying the committee didn't modify the schedule but just "squeezed it tighter," while keeping all the legally required steps in place.

"Two meetings (for the planning commission and the architectural board) is not required by anything in the ordinance. It's not essential. It's not in the code," Klein said.

But whether or not squeezing the schedule constitutes changing it, the committee's tacit endorsement of the new timeline (there was no vote) concerned several other council members, who told the Weekly they felt the committee had overstepped its authority in considering an expedited timeline without direction from the full council.

"I think there could've been other ways in which it could've been brought forward," Price said. "I know we're trying to be efficient by having ad hoc committees and all of that, but the fact is, if they felt there should be a modified schedule, that should've been a recommendation brought back to the full City Council for discussion.

"If it appears like, by fiat, we are changing the process, I don't think that's a good way to go."

Holman and Schmid made similar points, challenging Klein's stance that the discussion on a tightened schedule is a minor matter that did not need the full council's input. Holman said she was concerned that an expedited schedule would lead to a premature decision. The fact that the committee did not take a formal vote on the tightened schedule did not ease her concerns.

"Sometimes, by not making a decision or not rolling recommendation up to the council, we are making decisions because the calendar dictates them, or other actions and activities dictate them," Holman said.

"I understand we have a 2014 election cycle we're trying to catch, but I'm a little concerned about rushing to judgment and having a premature decision on a public-safety building as part of a project that hasn't been fully vetted and viewed.

"Those are big decisions to be made," she added. "They're not committee-level decisions."

Burt suggested that the members of the Infrastructure Committee may be a little too enthusiastic about the Jay Paul proposal, which at 311,000 square feet is the largest commercial project in the city's current pile of development applications (in terms of floor area, is about 50 percent larger than John Arrillaga's proposed office towers for 27 University Ave.). Burt has argued that the Jay Paul development should be significantly reconsidered, keeping in mind the city's and community vision for the site. This could mean significantly reducing the proposed size, rather than negotiating minor adjustments, Burt said.

"We now have a process being driven by a few council members who I think may be too enamored with the public benefit of the project, and it's moving us in a direction that the community is going to be very upset about," Burt said.

"Frankly, if we want to go to the community for infrastructure funding, I've been very concerned that we are alienating the community by continuing to consider proposed projects that are out of scale."

Burt said he wasn't aware that the council had delegated to the committee the power to change the process. The council, he said, "had not intended to defer to the committee to the degree that the committee is acting."

"I don't believe that subcommittee has the authority to request or direct staff to change the process of review to that project," Burt said. "Under our protocols, I don't see where that authority exists."

Schmid also took issue with the process for the Jay Paul application, which under the revised schedule would get to the council at the end of the year. He said he was "struck" by the scheduling change.

"The judgment of whether the council should or should not be involved in something is not the role or function of the committee," Schmid said. "The committee's role is to make recommendation on council action."

Scharff said the committee was simply trying to retain Jay Paul's proposal for a new police building as an option in the city's conversation about infrastructure by coordinating it with the process for the bond measure. If the infrastructure bond and the Jay Paul application aren't planned in a coordinated way, Scharff said, the city would lose the option of having a police building as a "public benefit" of the development.

"What we're trying to do is to make sure that the timing of the Jay Paul project makes the public-safety building a possibility as a public benefit."

Council members also expressed broader concerns about the recent proliferation of committees. Burt said that while they generally serve a valuable purpose, they should not be permanent unless absolutely necessary.

"I think we do need to continue to question the necessity of each of them," Burt said.

Price said committees serve an important role when they reflect the focus of the full council (this year's priorities include infrastructure and technology). But she said she has broader concerns about the impact the new groups have on staff's workload. She also said she feels strongly about the fact that participation and leadership roles on the new committees should be spread out among all nine council members.

"I think it's really, really important for the ad hoc committees to be mindful of what they're doing and what their responsibilities and roles are, and the fact that they should be vetting things and going forward with the council's direction," Price said.

Schmid took a similar position.

"The notion of committees is that the work of the council would be spread out in equal portion," Schmid said. "With these new committees, they certainly don't do that."

Read the Weekly's editorial about this issue.


Another Palo Alto neighborhood
on May 3, 2013 at 10:01 am
Joe, Another Palo Alto neighborhood
on May 3, 2013 at 10:01 am

So many issues here.

One issue that seems to jump out at us is the lack of procedure involving Council matters that seem to often enshroud City of Palo Alto business. For instance—“Mayor” Greg Schraff says that “it’s time to begin negotiations on the Cubberley Center.” Really? Why?

We know that we have to renew the Cubberley lease, or not renew the lease, or do something else. So—who’s role is it to put together the lease documents, and start negotiations—the lessee, or the property owner? Most people would agree that that role should be the property owner’s responsibility. But here—Greg Scharff seems to be charging into the closed doors of a secret Council session without having a lease proposal on the table. Why?

Why, in this day and age, shouldn’t there be a simple checklist of activities that need to be completed in order to bring business to the Council? And why shouldn’t the City Manager be the person responsible for creating this checklist, and insuring that it is properly executed for every matter brought before the Council?

Greg Scharff increasingly seems to see Palo Alto City Government as his personal toy—not an institution with rules, and “processes”. The City Manager seems to be almost invisible in this situation. Why? Isn’t he being paid enough (at $240K/year plus a lavish pension and other benefits) to do the job he should be doing?

At the very minimum, the School District, as property owner, needs to put a new lease on the table for the public to review. Some sort of public hearing should then be scheduled, and then, and only then, should there be any closed sessions about the matter.

If the City Manager is not going to do his job—what good is he?

Crescent Park
on May 3, 2013 at 10:44 am
Anon, Crescent Park
on May 3, 2013 at 10:44 am


It is not the managers job to set council procedures. council actually sets it themselves. there is a link to the procedures right on the website. Keene is deficient in many respects, but this one is not his fault. Keene is invisible here because he is smart enough to know his role. I agree with you that the mayor on the other hand, seems to not clearly understand the ceremonial nature of the role of mayor.

Norman Beamer
Crescent Park
on May 3, 2013 at 10:47 am
Norman Beamer, Crescent Park
on May 3, 2013 at 10:47 am

Isn't this article a violation of the Brown Act? In effect there is a "serial meeting" via every member of the council debating issues with each other with the reporter serving as an intermediary.

Another Palo Alto neighborhood
on May 3, 2013 at 11:10 am
Joe, Another Palo Alto neighborhood
on May 3, 2013 at 11:10 am

> It is not the managers job to set council procedures.

Please keep in mind that this is a "Strong City Manager/Weak City Council" form of government. Reading the City Charter, it's clear that the Charter does not provide a lot of help in understanding how to actually run the government--but it's clear that the Council is not authorized any direct role.

The thrust of my comments are related to the matter of the closed door session that Gregg Scharff seems to have driven. The point I am trying to make is that any Council "procedures" which cross the boundary of the CM/CC Charter-authorized relationships should be objected to by the CM, and the City Attorney.

If the Charter does not authorize a Council "procudure", or it otherwise runs afoul of State law--then the CM/CA need to "man up" and make that clear to the Council.

It's clear that that Scharff-driven closed door session was inappropriate, and conceivable, illegal. The relatationship between the Council and the CM needs to be, in part, adversarial, since Council Members need to be seen as poorly-informated about State/Municipal codes, and likely to cross any/all boundaries restricting their actions.

South PA Resident
Charleston Gardens
on May 3, 2013 at 11:58 am
South PA Resident, Charleston Gardens
on May 3, 2013 at 11:58 am

As a South Palo Alto resident I am very disappointed that no South Palo Alto Council members has been appointed to these newly formed Committees. Obviously our voices are not going to be heard or listened to.

We are returning to a former time when North Palo Alto representatives on City Council would dictate to South Palo Alto how their part of the City should be run, then make us pay for their inflated ideas.

South Palo Alto has one option and that is to vote "NO" to any proposed Infrastructure Bond Measure that may be placed on the ballot in 2014.

Greg Scharff wants to be a hands-on, controlling Mayor but he ignores South Palo Alto at his own risk.

Crescent Park
on May 3, 2013 at 2:33 pm
Anon, Crescent Park
on May 3, 2013 at 2:33 pm

Joe, I agree 100% with you. I just think the fault lays with council and the mayor in this case rather than the city manager. Otherwise you and I are on the same page! The mayor clearly led this closed door session and it makes me wonder what else he is pushing through without pubic knowledge.

senor blogger
Palo Verde
on May 3, 2013 at 2:35 pm
senor blogger, Palo Verde
on May 3, 2013 at 2:35 pm

It is easier for special interests to influence 4 members of the council thea it ids to influence 9 members.

Why hav committees at all?

Or maybe we should just have 5 council members altogether....

Crescent Park
on May 3, 2013 at 2:46 pm
Wondering, Crescent Park
on May 3, 2013 at 2:46 pm

Gregg Scharff is a real estate Lawyer. The others he has selected are also usually in favor of big development.
He may be setting something up. like positive acceptance of another Stanford-Arrillaga plan. During the last discussion he said he was "uncomfortable with any reference to the city’s Comprehensive Plan."
Would we know if he is having discussions with Stanford about their wishes? How could we find out?

common sense
on May 3, 2013 at 8:01 pm
common sense, Midtown
on May 3, 2013 at 8:01 pm

Scharf, Price & Klein are tightly bound with the special interest groups like developers, "green at all cost". Can anyone name one PC zoning change any of them have voted against?

What surprises me is that Burt and Price are on the "outs" with these 3.

The 3 are obviously trying to minimize Holman & Schmid, the residentialist on the city council.

Unknowns are Kniss & Berman.

City council - if you elect Shepard as Mayor in 2014, expect more of the same. You need to elect Kniss as the next mayor to repair the damage to the relationships that Scharf is causing. Berman is still too new.

And citizens of Palo Alto - the election in 2014 is an important one. Klein is termed out, and if you replace Scharf or Shepard with at least a swing vote as well as Klein, you have a chance to stop the development, and "PC variance" madness of the past few years.

Although Keene plays a behind the scenes roll, the majority of the blame for this mess is with the council.

By the way Palo Alto Weekly, you endorsed Scharf, Shepard & Klein. The Weekly needs to take a hard look at their endorsement process.

on May 3, 2013 at 8:51 pm
pat, Midtown
on May 3, 2013 at 8:51 pm

Klein said, “…. we talked with the city attorney, who said this would be perfectly allowable under the Brown Act because we're talking about negotiations with lease terms."

Client attorney privilege and real estate negotiations provide a convenient loophole for the city attorney and the council to engage in closed session meetings.

Yes, the money negotiations can be held in private. BUT don’t the residents get a chance voice their opinions and hear from the council about IF and WHY and for HOW LONG the city should lease the property – IN PUBLIC – BEFORE the secret negotiations take place?

This is reminiscent of the almost-sale of city land to John Arrillaga. The city had a closed session meeting on September 18, 2012:

Palo Alto mulls sale of land near Foothills Park
City Council meets in closed session to consider selling 7.7 acres to developer John Arrillaga
“The council met in a closed session Sept. 18, to discuss the price and terms of the sale, details that the city officials declined to discuss. Deputy City Manager Steve Emslie said the discussion was prompted by an offer the city received from Arrillaga, a philanthropist who owns properties on each side of the city-owned 7.7-acre parcel.” Web Link

The city had already drawn up a Real Estate Contract and Receipt for Deposit for the sale of 7.7 acres of city land to John Arrillaga for $175,000, dated September 14, 2012.

Did residents know the city was planning to sell public land? NO. Had the city declared the land surplus in a public venue prior to offering it for sale, as required by law? NO.

This council has no regard for the Brown Act or transparency. Karen Holman seems to be a voice crying in the wilderness.

Not an issue
Community Center
on May 4, 2013 at 8:31 am
Not an issue, Community Center
on May 4, 2013 at 8:31 am

Common sense-- the weekly should get out of the endorsement business if it accepts campaign ads from council candidates. Holman and kniss, to name a few, bought ad space in the weekly and got endorsements from the weekly. Do the math.
In general terms, the weekly endorsements reflect what will benefit the Weekly's financial bottom line -- the good of the city is not a consideration.
As for this latest incident, this is typical council crap-- the entire council is worthless-- they are all good at self congratulation and backslapping, but fail to do anything that be edits the residents.
The weekly goes along with this, with gennady acting as head cheerleader

common sense
on May 4, 2013 at 9:08 am
common sense, Midtown
on May 4, 2013 at 9:08 am

Not an issue - I believe the PA Weekly editorial board + publisher Bill Johnson want to select candidates they feel would take the city to a better place; however, reading their endorsements for the past 4 elections, and seeing how the candidates perform, and the results for our city, I would say however sincere the PA Weekly is, a majority of the endorsements have not been good. For a set of people who have done this so many times, I would expect a 90% "success rate", rather than a 50% sucess rate.

What the candidates spend on advertising with the PA Weekly would probably keep them in business for a week - and that happens only once every two years, so I don't think it's significant enough to influence the PA Weekly.

Not an issue
Community Center
on May 4, 2013 at 10:05 am
Not an issue, Community Center
on May 4, 2013 at 10:05 am

Common sense-- the point is not the amount spent on advertising, it is the fact that candidates that do advertise with the weekly get endorsed. This raises certain questions.
I find it is best to ignore the weekly endorsements-- they have long ceased to be a unbiased voice for the city,IMHO.

Crescent Park
on May 4, 2013 at 12:13 pm
Huh?, Crescent Park
on May 4, 2013 at 12:13 pm

Not an issue, I was intrigued by your opinion so I looked at a Weekly from the 2009 election. I saw ads for Hackmann, Levens, Price, Dykwel, Holman, Shepherd, Klein and Scharff. I don't think your suspicion that endorsements are related to ads is based in any fact.

Evergreen Park
on May 4, 2013 at 1:30 pm
Wondering, Evergreen Park
on May 4, 2013 at 1:30 pm

Has the Weekly ever used Larry Klein's law firm (past or present) for legal matters?
What firm is the Weekly using now?

College Terrace
on May 4, 2013 at 3:15 pm
endorsements, College Terrace
on May 4, 2013 at 3:15 pm

Huh-how many seats were available in 2009¿? Looks like at least 5 from the list got endorsements and were elected. Has the weekly every endorsed Tim gray? He does not but ads.

Longtime resident
Duveneck/St. Francis
on May 4, 2013 at 3:36 pm
Longtime resident, Duveneck/St. Francis
on May 4, 2013 at 3:36 pm

Great article, thanks. You should put Gennady on the school board beat, it's refreshing to see some digging, some analysis, and some interviews with key players.

Bill Johnson
Registered user
publisher of the Palo Alto Weekly
on May 4, 2013 at 4:25 pm
Bill Johnson, publisher of the Palo Alto Weekly
Registered user
on May 4, 2013 at 4:25 pm


As I've stated previously in Town Square, Larry Klein's former law firm represented the Palo Alto Weekly on non-media issues until around 2006 or 2007. When he first decided to run for City Council in 1981, we requested that he not be involved in any of the very limited legal work the firm performed for us. The company is currently represented by Palo Alto attorney Jeffrey Miller for general corporate matters and works with the firms of Judy Alexander (based in Aptos) and Karl Olson (based in San Francisco) on media matters (records and meeting access, defamation, etc.)

Crescent Park
on May 5, 2013 at 10:32 pm
Anon, Crescent Park
on May 5, 2013 at 10:32 pm

Scharff [portion removed] does not understand that leadership is different from lawyering.

I have had some encounters with him, and his listening skills are appallingy bad. I guess that little lizard that he used when he first ran for office was whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

His interest and ability in listening to other verterbrates appears to be above his pay grade.

Old Palo Alto
on May 6, 2013 at 1:14 pm
Jana, Old Palo Alto
on May 6, 2013 at 1:14 pm

Scharff is definitely in over his head as mayor.
Good observation (above) that he has zero listening skills.
He only wants to tackle issues like whether or not to display a multi colored gay flag over city hall. You know, the real difficult issues facing Palo Alto! He's an empty suit.

on May 6, 2013 at 4:07 pm
Doreen, Midtown
on May 6, 2013 at 4:07 pm

I realize that my comments are simple,but I think a quick refresher is always good. I a resident of the south side of Palo Alto am very interested in our on going issues of development.

1. The fiasco of the development of the Alma Plaza that once held Miki's Farm Fresh grocery store. What has come about with this matter. Has the developer found a replacement for vacant oversized space for a "Neighborhood Market?". That supposedly that some neighbors wanted, Or Maybe not. The amount of revenue that the developer wants for rent is ridiculous. No too mention the failed Market that was there before that put Miki Weriness in bankruptcy.

2.The Mitchell Park Library, over expenses an over sized Modern work of Art, gone wrong and oversized budget rolling out of control like a snowball, leaving south side community with out a Public Library for a coming three years?? Which stands empty unfinished and now in limbo with Litigations.

3.Main Library the newest victim of City Council, A supposed renovation, but most likely to be the latest new fiasco in the waiting. Why not complete or wait until other issues are completed or at least filled or opened before continuing on the path of disaster???

4.. Trailing unwanted, failing and undeveloped public community resources from CIty Council And Company, We need to find solutions and quickly our city has quickly become the example of what not too do. I say no other developments or renovations of any type until all other issues are resolved or completed... But That's one fantasy that's not going to happen.

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