In addition to documents and other original source material linked within news stories, other material obtained in the course of our reporting that may be of interest the public is posted here.
Max McGee separation agreement, Sept. 26, 2017
Report on PAUSD Management & Organizational Needs, June 2007
Salary increases teachers receive for academic units & length of service
Number and percent of teachers on each position of salary scale as of Jan. 2016
Current and proposed future salary schedules for teachers
Proposed 2016 changes to PAEA contract
Application to XQ Super School Project for new high school in Palo Alto submitted in November, 2015 by Sup. Max McGee and a group of parents and community members
Response to request for records of bullying complaints and staff trainings February, 2015
February 3, 2015 memo on homework policy from Sup. Max McGee to all faculty
Sept. 19, 2014 letter from Sup. Max McGee to OCR on new parent complaint
July 2014 OCR-related legal bills from Fagen, Friedman & Fulcrost
June 2014 OCR-related legal bills from Fagen, Friedman & Fulcrost
May 2014 OCR-related legal bills from Fagen, Friedman & Fulcrost
March & April 2014 legal bills from Fagen, Friedman & Fulcrost
February 2014 legal bills from Fagen, Friedman & Fulcrost
January 2014 legal bills from Fagen, Friedman & Fulcrost
Employment contract for new Superintendent Glenn "Max" McGee 2014-2018
Contract renewal for Assoc. Superintendent Charles Young 2014-2017
Contract renewal for Chief Business Officer Cathy Mak 2014-2017
Contract renewal for Bond Manager Bob Golton 2014-2016
Employment contract for Assoc. Superintendent Charles Young 2011-2014
Employment contract for Chief Business Officer Cathy Mak 2011-2014
Employment contract for Bond Manager Bob Golton 2012-2014
Comparison of bullying policies Updated table to reflect May 13, 2014 recommendations of Board Policy Review Committee.
Comparison of bullying policies Table prepared by Weekly staff summarizing key elements of proposed and current policies.
OCR comments OCR comments on draft bullying policy, released by school district March 12, 2014.
Proposed bullying policy Released by the school district March 6, 2014.
Proposed flowchart for bullying complaints Released by school district March 6, 2014.
Sample bullying policy Recommended bullying policy from Calif. School Boards Association (CSBA)
Skelly memo January 28, 2014 memo to school board from Superintendent Skelly recommending changes to Uniform Complaint Procedures and other policies.
Guidance Memorandum Pursuant to Dec. 2012 Resolution Agreement between the Office for Civil Rights and school district. Approved by OCR on March 4, 2014, according to the school district.
Discrimination Notice Pursuant to Dec. 2012 Resolution Agreement between the Office for Civil Rights and school district. Approved by OCR on March 4, 2014, according to the school district.
Letter to school district from California Department of Education and California School Board Association on proposed bullying policies. Received and released by school district on Nov. 25, 2013.
Oct. 1, 2013 notification letter & other information on California Department of Education Verification Review of PAUSD Special Education program. Provided to the Palo Alto Weekly on Nov. 25, 2013 by the school district in response to a Public Records Act request.
Message on bullying policies from Superintendent Kevin Skelly on Nov. 22, 2013. Part of newsletter sent to school community.
Forms developed for use in making complaints and investigating bullying incidents. Provided to the Palo Alto Weekly on Oct. 29, 2013 by Superintendent Kevin Skelly, who said the forms had been given to school principals.
Teacher training presentation on bullying. Provided to the Palo Alto Weekly on Nov. 25, 2013 by the school district in response to a Public Records Act request.
California School Board Association recommended policy on sexual harassment
California School Board Association recommended administrative regulation on sexual harassment