
Battling bias in policing: Driving disparities

State RIPA Board cites bias, both explicit and implicit

A Palo Alto Police Department vehicle. Embarcadero Media file photo.

This article is part of a larger story on racial disparities in Palo Alto police stops.

The high rate of stops of individuals perceived as Black is hardly unique to Palo Alto.

The 2022 report from California's Racial and Identity Profiling Act Board, which analyzed data from 18 law enforcement agencies (including the 15 largest in the state), highlights the gaping disparity between the proportion of stops and the proportion of residential population, which had also been a theme in prior reports. The report, which is based on data submitted in 2020, notes that individuals who were perceived as Black were stopped 151.5% more frequently than expected based on their share of the residential population, while those perceived as white were stopped 10% less frequently than expected.

Across the state, stopped individuals who were perceived to be Black had the highest rate of being searched (20.7%), detained on the curb or in a patrol car (17.4%), handcuffed (15.3%), and removed from a vehicle by order (7.3%), the report found.

Officers took these actions, the report states, "toward more Black individuals than white individuals despite stopping nearly double the number of white individuals than Black individuals."

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These numbers are virtually identical to the data submitted in the prior year, which showed that 20.5% of individuals perceived to be Black were searched, 17.8% were detained, 14.1% were handcuffed and 7.7% were removed from a vehicle by order.

The RIPA Board has identified several factors that drive this disparity. Cities with changing demographics may, for example, increase police presence in Black and Hispanic neighborhoods, which, in turn, increases the likelihood that officers have more contacts with people in those neighborhoods.

There is also a greater likelihood of Black individuals across the state being subject to "bias by proxy," when an individual calls the police and makes "false or ill-informed claims about persons they dislike or are biased against."

"We know that these issues are not new, but they are representative of a deeper and more persistent problem that requires education, reform and training for the public, law enforcement, and dispatchers," the board's 2021 report states.

But the report also highlights police bias — both explicit and implicit — as a key factor. Despite laws and policies that strictly prohibit bias-based policing, "there are officers who display explicit biases against individuals of certain racial or identify groups," the report states.

"And as a result, these individuals may act on their biases in deciding who to stop and how to interact with the individuals they stop."

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Gennady Sheyner
Gennady Sheyner covers the City Hall beat in Palo Alto as well as regional politics, with a special focus on housing and transportation. Before joining the Palo Alto Weekly/ in 2008, he covered breaking news and local politics for the Waterbury Republican-American, a daily newspaper in Connecticut. Read more >>

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Battling bias in policing: Driving disparities

State RIPA Board cites bias, both explicit and implicit

This article is part of a larger story on racial disparities in Palo Alto police stops.

The high rate of stops of individuals perceived as Black is hardly unique to Palo Alto.

The 2022 report from California's Racial and Identity Profiling Act Board, which analyzed data from 18 law enforcement agencies (including the 15 largest in the state), highlights the gaping disparity between the proportion of stops and the proportion of residential population, which had also been a theme in prior reports. The report, which is based on data submitted in 2020, notes that individuals who were perceived as Black were stopped 151.5% more frequently than expected based on their share of the residential population, while those perceived as white were stopped 10% less frequently than expected.

Across the state, stopped individuals who were perceived to be Black had the highest rate of being searched (20.7%), detained on the curb or in a patrol car (17.4%), handcuffed (15.3%), and removed from a vehicle by order (7.3%), the report found.

Officers took these actions, the report states, "toward more Black individuals than white individuals despite stopping nearly double the number of white individuals than Black individuals."

These numbers are virtually identical to the data submitted in the prior year, which showed that 20.5% of individuals perceived to be Black were searched, 17.8% were detained, 14.1% were handcuffed and 7.7% were removed from a vehicle by order.

The RIPA Board has identified several factors that drive this disparity. Cities with changing demographics may, for example, increase police presence in Black and Hispanic neighborhoods, which, in turn, increases the likelihood that officers have more contacts with people in those neighborhoods.

There is also a greater likelihood of Black individuals across the state being subject to "bias by proxy," when an individual calls the police and makes "false or ill-informed claims about persons they dislike or are biased against."

"We know that these issues are not new, but they are representative of a deeper and more persistent problem that requires education, reform and training for the public, law enforcement, and dispatchers," the board's 2021 report states.

But the report also highlights police bias — both explicit and implicit — as a key factor. Despite laws and policies that strictly prohibit bias-based policing, "there are officers who display explicit biases against individuals of certain racial or identify groups," the report states.

"And as a result, these individuals may act on their biases in deciding who to stop and how to interact with the individuals they stop."


Barron Parker Too
Registered user
Barron Park
on Nov 4, 2022 at 10:56 am
Barron Parker Too, Barron Park
Registered user
on Nov 4, 2022 at 10:56 am

Sheyner reports a lot of data, and he sandwiches in the middle stories by the usual suspects of bad treatment decades ago. The impression to a casual reader is that there is in fact bias against blacks and Hispanics in policing. I note three things to readers:

(1) If you feel overwhelmed by data, just remember the adage that "there are liars, damned liars and statisticians." Each set of data has to be carefully analyzed, and this was not done here.

(2) As an example, there is a common but incorrect assumption that bias against blacks is demonstrated by the fact that blacks make up only 2% of the Palo Alto population but 11% of the police stops. In fact, the relevant percentages are the fraction of drivers (not residents!) in Palo Alto who are black, and the per-capita incidence rate of crime based on race. None of the relevant data were given here.

(3) All of the data has to be analyzed with the understanding that, for example, blacks commit a large percentage of the crime in Palo Alto. Therefore, the likelihood that blacks stopped by police are interrogated longer and arrested more often is not in any way proof of "profiling" or racial bias. It is more likely related directly to the demographics of crime in Palo Alto. For that reason, we are not able to assess bias based on the statistics that have been presented.

Weifeng Pan
Registered user
on Nov 4, 2022 at 11:02 am
Weifeng Pan, Midtown
Registered user
on Nov 4, 2022 at 11:02 am
Registered user
Another Palo Alto neighborhood
on Nov 4, 2022 at 11:29 am
felix, Another Palo Alto neighborhood
Registered user
on Nov 4, 2022 at 11:29 am

Extraordinary piece of research and reporting, Gennady. PA Weekly - you have done a great service to Palo Alto.

"Intrusive Actions" and "Frequency of Searches" data and charts particularly stood out for me. But then, there is so much compelling data in so many forms shining light on bias in its many forms, yes at times complicated and nuanced, but unavoidable in its overall reality and stunning in its impact.

The article states, "The city of Palo Alto does not have demographic data on the population that visits or works in the city." [so Gennady also included demographics of our 3 neighboring counties and found...] "Black people make up 5% of the population across the four counties, but 11% of stops in Palo Alto. Hispanic individuals make up 23% of the population in the four counties but constitute 30% of the persons stopped in Palo Alto."

As can be seen from the above, it will be vital that unbiased skilled analysis be done under city contract with someone with the requisite CV if we want to understand and make practical use of RIPA data reports to root out bias in our policing. This must be funded or there is no point in RIPA - it is just more data laying around.

For years, Implicit Bias Training has been scrutinized for not producing any discernable LASTING results. We should not be wasting money on this training. It is a short-term training giving the illusion, particularly to the public, that embedded bias is rooted out. Evidence is to the contrary as stated above.

Regarding canine use, at least stop allowing Palo Alto K-9 Officers and dogs to respond to police in other cities. We were recently sued and paid damages for the mauling of a man in Mountain View, while MV paid nothing. Limiting use in this way would reduce potential harm to people and paying for lawsuits.

staying home
Registered user
Crescent Park
on Nov 4, 2022 at 11:46 am
staying home, Crescent Park
Registered user
on Nov 4, 2022 at 11:46 am

Very happy to see the PAPD is complying with the law and tracking this information, more importantly that PAOnline is reporting it. Agree with the earlier comments that this is a lot of information to digest. I guess I am happy it isn't worse? But visibility and reporting is the start on making sure those in authority are held accountable for both positive and negative impacts on the community. Glad to see PAPD will be increasing its diversity with new recruits.

Registered user
Another Palo Alto neighborhood
on Nov 4, 2022 at 11:59 am
felix, Another Palo Alto neighborhood
Registered user
on Nov 4, 2022 at 11:59 am

One last comment - Our city recognizes police bias.
It resolved in June of 2020 among othe things to, " our police and public safety practices with the community and then implement measures that reflect no tolerance for police violence, prejudice, discrimination, and harm".

It is a work in progress. Much has been accomplished by all, including the PAPD and there is much more to do. With Chief Binder on board, there is cautious optimism that continued progress will be discernable and PAPD could perhaps become a model of fine policing for all people. I would be all in with that.

What won't be helpful is defensive denial that racism doesn't exist in our town or our institutions, including PAPD.

And what must not be tolerated is to blame those that have suffered bias.

Barron Park Denizen
Registered user
Barron Park
on Nov 4, 2022 at 12:00 pm
Barron Park Denizen, Barron Park
Registered user
on Nov 4, 2022 at 12:00 pm

It would be useful to have a year's worth of statistics, and a representative set of cases, evaluated by the outside police department auditor. This would offer an outside perspective on whether the various stops and searches were appropriate and properly handled. Then let the numbers fall where they may.

Registered user
on Nov 4, 2022 at 12:05 pm
Aletheia, Greenmeadow
Registered user
on Nov 4, 2022 at 12:05 pm

Unequal outcomes do not necessarily mean unequal treatment. There are number of reasons blacks could be over-represented in arrests most significantly having to do with economic situations, education, family situation, and on and on.

Registered user
on Nov 4, 2022 at 1:04 pm
Nayeli, Midtown
Registered user
on Nov 4, 2022 at 1:04 pm

As a Hispanic woman (and an immigrant), I disagree with this attempt to selectively use some data to verify a narrative. If a certain group (including Hispanics) break ANY laws (including traffic laws) at a higher rate, then they will be pulled over at a higher rate. If there is a greater reporting of crimes with suspects meeting a particular demographic, then the arrest rate will be closer to the reported rates rather than the demographic makeup of society in general.

Let's be clear: Palo Alto has an established set of population demographics. Moreover, the demographics of the reported criminal activity in this city is not the same as the population demographics. Consequently, the demographic arrest rates would look more like the demographics of reported crimes instead of the demographics of our city's population.

These types of things should be obvious. Yet, you rarely see them covered appropriately when it comes to the narrative set up by activists. For them, the issue is solely about racial prejudice. Issues like the association between rates of reported crimes and demographics, the compliance during apprehension, and, in this case, issues pertaining to driving or even car ownership (i.e., up-to-date registration) go a long way to explain many things.

The other explanation is one of widespread "conspiracy" about racism. It's the notion that the police in this country is largely affected by racial prejudice. Yet, the irony is that there are statistics that show the same issues with majority-white police forces exist in majority-black and majority-Hispanic forces.

As for Palo Alto: The police here are amazing. As with ANY organization, there can be some issues. However, those are usually rare outliers. The police in this city are exemplary. They do well in a job that often has difficult (and life-threatening) circumstances.

Registered user
Another Palo Alto neighborhood
on Nov 4, 2022 at 1:18 pm
Bystander, Another Palo Alto neighborhood
Registered user
on Nov 4, 2022 at 1:18 pm

Does this mean that those of us who are not black are likely to be stopped for no reason and then handcuffed just so that they can get their quotas?

Nancy the real Nancy
Registered user
Downtown North
on Nov 4, 2022 at 1:21 pm
Nancy the real Nancy, Downtown North
Registered user
on Nov 4, 2022 at 1:21 pm

What a farce!

PAPD you are welcome to pull over my white family multiple times a month to help "even out the numbers". We drive a Prius, Tesla and a Honda. All of my cars will have insurance and registration cards in them. I'll tell the family to carry their drivers license and be ready to be stopped.

Consider Your Options.
Registered user
Another Palo Alto neighborhood
on Nov 4, 2022 at 2:00 pm
Consider Your Options. , Another Palo Alto neighborhood
Registered user
on Nov 4, 2022 at 2:00 pm

Studying and documenting a problem is Step 1 to understanding it and identifying solutions. I greatly appreciate that Chief Binder has taken this step and that he has openly shared this information, including bad news he uncovered. That's a hard thing for a public employee to do.

Now he can work the problem with his team, and he has baseline behavior measured, so his performance in this area can be measured going forward. This is refreshing. Thank you Chief Binder, and welcome to Palo Alto. I'm glad you are here. Thank you, PAPD, for all you do. I have had enough positive contact with the police department to know that most of our officers are talented and committed public servants. You do a very difficult job for our community. I am grateful for that and for your commitment to find ways to do an even better job taking care of our diverse community.

Thanks, Gennady Sheyner, for this story. I look forward to follow up stories on this subject.

Registered user
on Nov 4, 2022 at 2:55 pm
John, Adobe-Meadow
Registered user
on Nov 4, 2022 at 2:55 pm

Predicable article from Gennady, who has neglected a far more glaring bias on the part of the Palo Alto police. They disproportionately stop, question, search and arrest males! At least 90% of their arrests are males, showing a CLEAR bias and rampant SEXISM in their targeting! I demand they immediately begin detentions of females at a 50/50 ratio because OBVIOUSLY any deviation from population % means bias, right?

Really, with crime up double digits nationwide and DOJ/FBI stats telling us who committed 60% of the homicides last year, so we really have to tolerate this journalistic nonsense?

Registered user
Downtown North
on Nov 4, 2022 at 4:54 pm
GTSpencer, Downtown North
Registered user
on Nov 4, 2022 at 4:54 pm

PAPD you are welcome to pull over my white family multiple times a month to help "even out the numbers". We drive a Prius, Tesla and a Honda. All of my cars will have insurance and registration cards in them. I'll tell the family to carry their drivers license and be ready to be stopped.

Right On!! You wonder why cops don't want to do anything anymore. Why would you? The data can be skewed many different ways. Bottom line is obey the law.

Registered user
another community
on Nov 4, 2022 at 5:28 pm
Jennifer, another community
Registered user
on Nov 4, 2022 at 5:28 pm

Obeying the law is correct. Criminals refuse to do this, and too many people coddle criminals. Soft on crime raises the crime rate.

Everyone has biases. It's whether you can keep your bias from interfering with your job and your relationships. If you adhere to professionalism, it shouldn't be difficult.

Micromanaging the situation makes it worse. Nobody likes to be micromanaged. It's suffocating.

Sandra Brown is telling it like it is.

Registered user
Green Acres
on Nov 4, 2022 at 10:10 pm
Easy8, Green Acres
Registered user
on Nov 4, 2022 at 10:10 pm

Gennady usually writes good articles, but this one is deeply flawed and biased, and he was appropriately called out and corrected by members in this forum such as Nayeli and many others.

Please, Gennady, maintain your usual high standards.

I think PAPD does a great job. I am amazed how often when a crime is very quickly called in, the culprit is apprehended.

Registered user
Another Palo Alto neighborhood
on Nov 5, 2022 at 8:10 am
felix, Another Palo Alto neighborhood
Registered user
on Nov 5, 2022 at 8:10 am

I bet few of the commenters above actually read this article and graphs.

Registered user
on Nov 5, 2022 at 3:51 pm
Eeyore, Adobe-Meadow
Registered user
on Nov 5, 2022 at 3:51 pm

@Felix, and so it is in comment sections throughout our fine internet.

Registered user
on Nov 6, 2022 at 8:51 am
John, Adobe-Meadow
Registered user
on Nov 6, 2022 at 8:51 am

Regarding the speculation about not reading the article, even fewer have attended the citizen’s academy or gone on a ride along to see the reality of policing at 0200 hours. There’s an over abundance of Monday morning Palo Alto statisticians who’ve never been punched in the face by the burglar they’re arresting while the helpful local population videotapes and screams “Racist pigs!!” True story.

Registered user
on Nov 6, 2022 at 10:28 am
Nayeli, Midtown
Registered user
on Nov 6, 2022 at 10:28 am

@felix - I read this article and looked at the graphs. However, I also know how carefully-selected statistics and graph-building can be used to peddle a narrative that isn't entirely accurate.

Let's be exceedingly clear: The list of suspects, apprehensions and arrests should NOT resemble the racial-ethnic makeup of the residents of a community but, rather, the racial-ethnic makeup of the suspects for criminal activity in that community.

And, let's be even clearer, the demographic makeup of the suspects in reported crimes in Palo Alto does NOT reflect the demographic makeup of Palo Alto residents. Somehow, this fact is often not covered by many articles and graphs.

Registered user
on Nov 6, 2022 at 4:56 pm
Ugh, Midtown
Registered user
on Nov 6, 2022 at 4:56 pm

So biased! This is like the extreme left, who are just like the extreme right- they don't pay attention to facts, and only see what they want to see.

Registered user
Another Palo Alto neighborhood
on Nov 7, 2022 at 7:55 am
felix, Another Palo Alto neighborhood
Registered user
on Nov 7, 2022 at 7:55 am

Hmmmm. Seems even those who say they read this article miss main points.

To review: This article is based on the 16 data points our police are required by the state to make for each stop in town on every person, whether worker, someone driving through, or resident.

The state intention of this data is to reveal and track any discriminatory profiling that exists by law enforcement in California (you can’t fix what you can’t see).

The State Dept of Justice will issue its own report on Palo Alto next April with more data. This article was a sort of preview.

As to who becomes suspect, who is searched, and who is arrested or worse, is not always a matter of criminal activity, but of profiling. That’s the point.

A sophisticated analysis, including
demographic comparisons over time, using multi-RIPA reports, will ultimately be most interesting and helpful.

RIPA data will continue to be collected by law enforcement in California and reported on by the DOJ. This valuable article is the first but not last we will read about it.

Helen Podesta
Registered user
Community Center
on Nov 7, 2022 at 8:17 am
Helen Podesta, Community Center
Registered user
on Nov 7, 2022 at 8:17 am

"As to who becomes suspect, who is searched, and who is arrested or worse, is not always a matter of criminal activity, but of profiling. That’s the point."

Aren't pre-emptive suspect identification verifications a preventative measure towards reducing crime?

It is no different than getting pulled over for a suspected DUI infraction.

If one passes the field sobriety test, there is no need for an arrest. On the other hand, some motorists will be found in violation of the .08% ceiling.

Registered user
Another Palo Alto neighborhood
on Nov 7, 2022 at 11:13 am
Bystander, Another Palo Alto neighborhood
Registered user
on Nov 7, 2022 at 11:13 am

If most crimes were committed by middle aged blue eyed blonds, then I feel sure that those would be the types of people profiled as criminals.

Likewise, if most crimes were committed by green skinned men from mars, then they would be profiled.

Registered user
Green Acres
on Nov 7, 2022 at 12:37 pm
Easy8, Green Acres
Registered user
on Nov 7, 2022 at 12:37 pm

New York City recently elected Eric Adams for mayor, a black former police captain whose sole campaign was based on reducing crime. Among other things, he advocates "stop and frisk" (see link below).

My understanding is that the wealthy whites in Manhattan voted for a liberal candidate, but the Black and Hispanic voters in the poorer districts supported Adams and put him over the top, because they were concerned about all the crime in their neighborhoods.

Web Link

Registered user
on Nov 7, 2022 at 10:11 pm
Nayeli, Midtown
Registered user
on Nov 7, 2022 at 10:11 pm

@ felix: It seems that someone who reads the comments seems to miss the point of those comments.

The demographics of apprehension is NOT supposed to reflect the demographics of the residents of this city. Rather, this is supposed to represent the demographics of suspects, perpetrators or those who might be guilty of breaking the law.

This includes violating the law with motor vehicles (e.g., expired registration, broken tail lights, speeding, not using turn signals, etc.).

Again: The descriptions of suspects in most reported crimes in this city do NOT reflect the demographic makeup of the majority of Palo Alto residents.

Go and look up the demographics of criminal activity in Palo Alto. Next, look up the demographic breakdown of the residents of Palo Alto. Do you see a difference?

Would you concede that police might primarily pull over individuals primarily because they were suspected of violating the law (including traffic laws or vehicle registration laws)?

Registered user
on Nov 7, 2022 at 10:20 pm
Nayeli, Midtown
Registered user
on Nov 7, 2022 at 10:20 pm

[Post removed; successive comments by same poster are not permitted.]

Registered user
another community
on Nov 8, 2022 at 8:17 am
Jennifer, another community
Registered user
on Nov 8, 2022 at 8:17 am

Let's be realistic. The police deal with the criminal element, and anyone can get profiled. We're all potential suspects.

Banks profile us. By income, credit report and score, etc.

Men profile women. By our physical appearance, and any man who says he doesn't is lying.

Women profile men. By income and potential husband and father material.

Employers profile on job interviews. If you're not dressed professionally and you don't speak proper grammar, good luck.

Insurance companies profile. By zip code, prior claims, etc.

The list goes on. We're all human, and judgments happen. Whether they're right or wrong, they're not pulled out of thin blue air.

Certain races commit a higher percentage of crimes (per capita) and if that leads to profiling, we don't live in a perfect world.

Obey the law and minimize your chances of interacting with the police.

super chicana
Registered user
Palo Alto High School
on Nov 19, 2022 at 10:38 am
super chicana, Palo Alto High School
Registered user
on Nov 19, 2022 at 10:38 am

Policing is racist and crime is where you look for it. Let’s assume many of you who have made racist comments - that blacks do commit more crimes (false premise - even though many of your rich white kids have far more drugs than black kids could afford) it is petty street crime. Small time thefts, burglary, etc. [Portion removed.] Let me ask you a question, be 100 honest - if you can. Cheat on your taxes? Not report all cash transactions in your business? Lie for insurance money? Not get that required permit or licenses you were suppose to pay for? Cheat a worker? Keep a second set of books? What about rich white corporatists? Who make decisions in board rooms that cause great harm to our communities and even death to consumers? What about Enron? Causing millions of dollars of loss to consumers with price gouging. How about this current artificial inflation, record profit and windfalls? Where is your moral compass and outrage now? You complain about $50 of theft to your belongings but fail to see 1000s of $ stolen from you in other ways. I teach my kids: fear the corporatist in the suit. Not the man in a hoodie. You are so racist in your opinions of black peoples you do not see the real criminals in the room. [Portion removed.]

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