
Dinosaurs to take over courtyard at Junior Museum and Zoo

Despite budget concerns, City Council approves funding for 'California Dinosaur Garden'

A proposed dinosaur exhibit at the Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo would include dinosaur sculptures and giant fossils. Courtesy city of Palo Alto.

After balking last month, Palo Alto approved a plan to welcome dinosaur sculptures to its newly renovated Junior Museum and Zoo.

By a unanimous vote that belied the council's discomfort, the council approved $234,748 to construct life-sized dinosaur sculptures as part of a new exhibit known as the "California's Dinosaur Garden." The exhibit by Blue Rhino Studios will pay homage to the dinosaurs that once roamed the state: an ichthyornis carrying a fish in its mouth, two deer-sized hypsilophodontids and one saurornithelestes, a feathered carnivore that resembles a velociraptor.

The new additions will be part of an exhibit that also will include a fossil dig where visitors will be able to uncover buried specimens from a long bygone era, according to a report from the Community Services Department.

"When I was elected to council, I never imagined I'd be making decisions on dinosaurs," council member Greer Stone said shortly before the vote. "But as a fan of Jurassic Park, I'm not too disappointed, as long as they don't come alive and start eating the museum attendees."

When the council last considered the exhibit on Nov. 7, it wasn't the dinosaurs that scared them away but the price tag. The exhibit will cost $980,000 and the newly approved contract amendment brings the city's overall contribution to the exhibit to $449,464. The balance will come from a federal grant of $250,000 and a $300,000 contribution from donors to Friends of the Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo, a nonprofit that led the reconstruction effort for the Rinconada Park institution.

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The difference was timing. The Nov. 7 discussion was scheduled one day before voters were set to weigh in on two revenue measures: a new business tax and an affirmation of the city's historic practice of transferring funds from the gas utility to the general fund. Council members generally agreed that spending more than $200,000 on dinosaur sculptures would not be the best optics for a city that is asking voters for additional revenues.

Council member Tom DuBois acknowledged Monday that the council's decision not to approve the contract at that time had nothing to do with its concerns about the exhibits.

"I think the timing … right before the public vote on new taxes wasn't great," DuBois said.

With both measures easily passing, the council had fewer reservations on Monday, though some council members continued to express concern about the museum's budget management. Kristen O'Kane, director of the Community Services Department, suggested that the new exhibit could help increase attendance at the museum, which had dipped below projections, and reignite excitement. She also noted that having a new outdoor exhibit will make it easier for visitors to spread around the museum.

"For now, it's really an underutilized space for the JMZ in the courtyard," O'Kane said. "This will add some exhibits but it will also include a hands-on experience: a fossil dig for kids. It will allow people to distribute a little bit more evenly throughout the facility."

Council member Greg Tanaka wasn't entirely convinced that the new sculptures will drive attendance and suggested that the city consider other ways to spend on money, whether by increasing programs or improving signage on Middlefield Road. While he joined his colleagues in supporting the expenditures, he and others suggested that the city needs to do more to bring the museum toward a balanced budget.

Mayor Pat Burt recommended that the city increase its marketing efforts for the museum and other community institutions such as the Winter Lodge and the Children's Theatre.

"I think there really is a concern that we're not currently on a path toward a sustainable budget for the Junior Museum and Zoo," Burt said.

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Gennady Sheyner
Gennady Sheyner covers the City Hall beat in Palo Alto as well as regional politics, with a special focus on housing and transportation. Before joining the Palo Alto Weekly/ in 2008, he covered breaking news and local politics for the Waterbury Republican-American, a daily newspaper in Connecticut. Read more >>

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Dinosaurs to take over courtyard at Junior Museum and Zoo

Despite budget concerns, City Council approves funding for 'California Dinosaur Garden'

After balking last month, Palo Alto approved a plan to welcome dinosaur sculptures to its newly renovated Junior Museum and Zoo.

By a unanimous vote that belied the council's discomfort, the council approved $234,748 to construct life-sized dinosaur sculptures as part of a new exhibit known as the "California's Dinosaur Garden." The exhibit by Blue Rhino Studios will pay homage to the dinosaurs that once roamed the state: an ichthyornis carrying a fish in its mouth, two deer-sized hypsilophodontids and one saurornithelestes, a feathered carnivore that resembles a velociraptor.

The new additions will be part of an exhibit that also will include a fossil dig where visitors will be able to uncover buried specimens from a long bygone era, according to a report from the Community Services Department.

"When I was elected to council, I never imagined I'd be making decisions on dinosaurs," council member Greer Stone said shortly before the vote. "But as a fan of Jurassic Park, I'm not too disappointed, as long as they don't come alive and start eating the museum attendees."

When the council last considered the exhibit on Nov. 7, it wasn't the dinosaurs that scared them away but the price tag. The exhibit will cost $980,000 and the newly approved contract amendment brings the city's overall contribution to the exhibit to $449,464. The balance will come from a federal grant of $250,000 and a $300,000 contribution from donors to Friends of the Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo, a nonprofit that led the reconstruction effort for the Rinconada Park institution.

The difference was timing. The Nov. 7 discussion was scheduled one day before voters were set to weigh in on two revenue measures: a new business tax and an affirmation of the city's historic practice of transferring funds from the gas utility to the general fund. Council members generally agreed that spending more than $200,000 on dinosaur sculptures would not be the best optics for a city that is asking voters for additional revenues.

Council member Tom DuBois acknowledged Monday that the council's decision not to approve the contract at that time had nothing to do with its concerns about the exhibits.

"I think the timing … right before the public vote on new taxes wasn't great," DuBois said.

With both measures easily passing, the council had fewer reservations on Monday, though some council members continued to express concern about the museum's budget management. Kristen O'Kane, director of the Community Services Department, suggested that the new exhibit could help increase attendance at the museum, which had dipped below projections, and reignite excitement. She also noted that having a new outdoor exhibit will make it easier for visitors to spread around the museum.

"For now, it's really an underutilized space for the JMZ in the courtyard," O'Kane said. "This will add some exhibits but it will also include a hands-on experience: a fossil dig for kids. It will allow people to distribute a little bit more evenly throughout the facility."

Council member Greg Tanaka wasn't entirely convinced that the new sculptures will drive attendance and suggested that the city consider other ways to spend on money, whether by increasing programs or improving signage on Middlefield Road. While he joined his colleagues in supporting the expenditures, he and others suggested that the city needs to do more to bring the museum toward a balanced budget.

Mayor Pat Burt recommended that the city increase its marketing efforts for the museum and other community institutions such as the Winter Lodge and the Children's Theatre.

"I think there really is a concern that we're not currently on a path toward a sustainable budget for the Junior Museum and Zoo," Burt said.


Registered user
Another Palo Alto neighborhood
on Dec 13, 2022 at 10:04 am
Bystander, Another Palo Alto neighborhood
Registered user
on Dec 13, 2022 at 10:04 am

No more appeals for additional rates for anything. It is official that Palo Alto has too much money and not enough sense.

Online Name
Registered user
Embarcadero Oaks/Leland
on Dec 13, 2022 at 10:22 am
Online Name, Embarcadero Oaks/Leland
Registered user
on Dec 13, 2022 at 10:22 am

""I think the timing … right before the public vote on new taxes wasn't great," DuBois said."

No kidding. So they waited until after. Remember next time.

I miss seeing all the kids and their caregivers in front of the old, charming FREE JMZ, not this sterile empty pricey monument designed by consultants with no local knowledge .

Registered user
Another Palo Alto neighborhood
on Dec 13, 2022 at 11:34 am
resident3, Another Palo Alto neighborhood
Registered user
on Dec 13, 2022 at 11:34 am


“It is official that Palo Alto has too much money and not enough sense.”

The City doesn’t look to have enough money and the $6 million in taxes that just passed are nothing compared to the costs it has and that it creates by being everything to everyone except Palo Alto. The point of this museum was that it was free, not a playground for people to make money off experiments.

Registered user
South of Midtown
on Dec 13, 2022 at 3:49 pm
Marie, South of Midtown
Registered user
on Dec 13, 2022 at 3:49 pm

$10 per person attendance is way to high for casual attendance with pre-schoolers. Why was Palo Alto able to have free attendance all those years? I often took my grandchildren to the museum for an hour or so of fun when they were toddlers. Because it was free, it was one of the most diverse places I could take them. There were always lots of kids there of all ethnicities. I usually donated something and there was a lot of fundraising.

Are Palo Alto services now only for the rich? Was charging for admission a condition of the millions of dollars donated for the upgrade? That was certainly my impression. My guess is that some people didn't want their kids exposed to children from lower income families.

Registered user
Another Palo Alto neighborhood
on Dec 13, 2022 at 6:11 pm
resident3, Another Palo Alto neighborhood
Registered user
on Dec 13, 2022 at 6:11 pm


“Are Palo Alto services now only for the rich? Was charging for admission a condition of the millions of dollars donated for the upgrade? That was certainly my impression. My guess is that some people didn't want their kids exposed to children from lower income families.”

Good questions. The museum was free before because it worked with that goal. It lacked nothing and served everyone. Now it’s a museum business by museum entrepreneurs for the rich.

The City shouldn’t be spending any money on marketing. Instead the geniuses behind the dinosaurs should raise private money to pay for marketing and any City money should go to rectifying the exclusion of children because somebody had to get rich off an obscene “upgrade” that was unnecessary.

Registered user
Duveneck/St. Francis
on Dec 13, 2022 at 8:05 pm
Anonymous, Duveneck/St. Francis
Registered user
on Dec 13, 2022 at 8:05 pm

Bizarre, just bizarre, this expenditure of taxpayer money. SMH

Registered user
College Terrace
on Dec 13, 2022 at 9:34 pm
eileen , College Terrace
Registered user
on Dec 13, 2022 at 9:34 pm

Marie and Bystander3 say it all.....

Palo Alto native
Registered user
Old Palo Alto
on Dec 14, 2022 at 5:52 am
Palo Alto native, Old Palo Alto
Registered user
on Dec 14, 2022 at 5:52 am

I am happy with the new pricing. 10 years ago I took my kids to the FREE Junior Museum and very often it was so crowded that my kids couldn’t access the indoor exhibits. With Covid, if you didn’t charge an admission, it would be a recipe for disaster. As a native Palo Altan, please keep some places unique and not overcrowded .

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