
Palo Alto's school-biking program hits speed bump

After pandemic slip, City Council looks to encourage more students to ride to campus

A crossing guard helps children make their way across East Meadow Drive to JLS Middle School on their first day of school on Aug. 11, 2021. Photo by Adam Pardee

For decades, Palo Alto students have been at the head of the national pack when it comes to biking to school.

The city's Safe Routes to School program, a collaboration of city and school officials, educators and parent volunteers, has a rich tradition of creating commute maps, advocating for bike improvements and hosting "bike rodeos," educational events in which young students are taught how to navigate around obstacles, cross intersections and exit driveways, among other biking basics.

The response has been positive. According to district bike surveys, the bike rate at the Gunn and Palo Alto high schools was 10% and 12%, respectively, in 2002. By 2012, the rates moved up to 41% and 39%, respectively. And in 2019, Gunn had a 50% rate, while Paly had 52%.

Now, however, the program is facing some headwinds. The pandemic has erased some of the city's recent gains and, for the first time in many years, Palo Alto is now seeing the share of student bicyclists dropping, according to a report that was presented to the City Council on Monday, April 24. In 2021, the district's bike counts showed a 45% rate in Gunn and 42% at Paly.

The trend isn't limited to high schools. City surveys also showed declining bike counts in all three of the city's middle schools between 2019 and 2021. Greene Middle School students led the way in 2021 with a bike parking rate of 61%, which was a drop from 67% in 2019. At Jane Lathrop Stanford Middle School, the decrease was more precipitous, with the bike parking percentage falling from 70% to 53%. At Fletcher Middle School, there was a small decrease from 43% to 40% over the two-year period.

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Chief Transportation Official Philip Kamhi noted that local numbers are still high by national standards. Nationally, the bike rate is only about 2%, he said.

Even so, program coordinators and council members expressed concern this week that the program has lost some of its former luster. A report from staff noted that elementary school parents in 2021 were driving at the same rate as in 2016, erasing the progress made since the peak year of 2019.

"Most concerning, driving numbers in middle and high school were higher in 2021 than in 2016," the report stated.

Jose Palma, coordinator of Safe Routes to School, attributed the recent drop to the pandemic, as well as a reduction of bussing and shuttle services (the city discontinued its free shuttle program in 2020). Some families developed a driving habit during the pandemic out of belief that this reduces their children's exposure to COVID-19, he said. And school officials and volunteers had to cut back on in-person events for young students.

Other contributing factors, he said, include a decline in program volunteers, who have been key to the program's outreach efforts in middle and high schools. The school district's decision to limit campus access during the pandemic also may have played a role, Palma said.

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"Due to the pandemic, PAUSD had to limit access points to reduce cohort mixing and COVID exposure. Doing so changed how families planned the routes to and from schools," he said.

To reverse the trend, Safe Routes to School is now advancing a five-year plan with more than 40 strategies to encourage biking. This includes supporting the city's effort to improve infrastructure improvements and expand the local bike work; building a network of skilled volunteers and advocates; supporting events like Walk and Roll Week and Bike to Work Day; developing Spanish and Chinese language materials to encourage broader participation in Safe Routes to School; and supporting free services like bike repairs and distribution of bike lights and helmets to under-resourced students.

Hundreds of bikes are parked at Palo Alto High School on the first day of school on August 13, 2018. Photo by Adam Pardee

Some council members and students believe the program should also do more to encourage biking among the district's older students. Phela Durosinmi, a Paly senior, said that since he had graduated from middle school, he's heard virtually no discussion of bike safety.

"I think simply increasing presence and having more lessons and more education in the upper levels of classes will bring a lot more awareness to biking and really encourage students to bike," Durosinmi said. "For us, the only time we ever hear mention of biking to school is once a year, when there's a survey taking place asking students how they get to school."

Council member Greg Tanaka, an avid bicyclist with two children at Paly, suggested that the city's pro-biking message is getting weaker at the high school level. His children used to be really excited about biking when they were in middle school and elementary school. Now, the "vibe" at Paly has shifted such that some people think biking is no longer cool.

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He suggested that the city consider some programs at high schools to encourage biking or even promote a competition between schools.

"There has to be some change in the perception of the coolness factor," Tanaka said.

Council member Ed Lauing also supported relying on peer pressure and a sense of competition, particularly at the middle school level, to encourage children to bike to school. Others supported doing more to encourage traffic safety. Council member Vicki Veenker called for taking a closer look at construction sites along school corridors to make sure that heavy equipment isn't being moved in and out of the road during commute hours. Council member Julie Lythcott-Haims suggested a greater focus on police enforcement of driving violations during times when children are biking to and from school.

"What can we do to educate drivers to slow down and follow the rules of the road?" Lythcott-Haims asked. "These are children, for goodness sake, just trying to get to school."

For the most part, however, council members were optimistic about the program regaining its momentum after the pandemic lull. Council member Pat Burt alluded to a "downward spiral" that the city suffered 30 years ago, when the share of students getting driven to school was so high that roads were congested and the conditions made biking unsafe, further perpetuating the driving trend.

"It just took year after year of steady progress to reverse that trend. I think we have the foundation that we're not in jeopardy of having a permanent reversal, but I sure do look forward to us getting back to that incredible path of 25 years of incredible progress," Burt said.

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Gennady Sheyner
Gennady Sheyner covers the City Hall beat in Palo Alto as well as regional politics, with a special focus on housing and transportation. Before joining the Palo Alto Weekly/ in 2008, he covered breaking news and local politics for the Waterbury Republican-American, a daily newspaper in Connecticut. Read more >>

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Palo Alto's school-biking program hits speed bump

After pandemic slip, City Council looks to encourage more students to ride to campus

For decades, Palo Alto students have been at the head of the national pack when it comes to biking to school.

The city's Safe Routes to School program, a collaboration of city and school officials, educators and parent volunteers, has a rich tradition of creating commute maps, advocating for bike improvements and hosting "bike rodeos," educational events in which young students are taught how to navigate around obstacles, cross intersections and exit driveways, among other biking basics.

The response has been positive. According to district bike surveys, the bike rate at the Gunn and Palo Alto high schools was 10% and 12%, respectively, in 2002. By 2012, the rates moved up to 41% and 39%, respectively. And in 2019, Gunn had a 50% rate, while Paly had 52%.

Now, however, the program is facing some headwinds. The pandemic has erased some of the city's recent gains and, for the first time in many years, Palo Alto is now seeing the share of student bicyclists dropping, according to a report that was presented to the City Council on Monday, April 24. In 2021, the district's bike counts showed a 45% rate in Gunn and 42% at Paly.

The trend isn't limited to high schools. City surveys also showed declining bike counts in all three of the city's middle schools between 2019 and 2021. Greene Middle School students led the way in 2021 with a bike parking rate of 61%, which was a drop from 67% in 2019. At Jane Lathrop Stanford Middle School, the decrease was more precipitous, with the bike parking percentage falling from 70% to 53%. At Fletcher Middle School, there was a small decrease from 43% to 40% over the two-year period.

Chief Transportation Official Philip Kamhi noted that local numbers are still high by national standards. Nationally, the bike rate is only about 2%, he said.

Even so, program coordinators and council members expressed concern this week that the program has lost some of its former luster. A report from staff noted that elementary school parents in 2021 were driving at the same rate as in 2016, erasing the progress made since the peak year of 2019.

"Most concerning, driving numbers in middle and high school were higher in 2021 than in 2016," the report stated.

Jose Palma, coordinator of Safe Routes to School, attributed the recent drop to the pandemic, as well as a reduction of bussing and shuttle services (the city discontinued its free shuttle program in 2020). Some families developed a driving habit during the pandemic out of belief that this reduces their children's exposure to COVID-19, he said. And school officials and volunteers had to cut back on in-person events for young students.

Other contributing factors, he said, include a decline in program volunteers, who have been key to the program's outreach efforts in middle and high schools. The school district's decision to limit campus access during the pandemic also may have played a role, Palma said.

"Due to the pandemic, PAUSD had to limit access points to reduce cohort mixing and COVID exposure. Doing so changed how families planned the routes to and from schools," he said.

To reverse the trend, Safe Routes to School is now advancing a five-year plan with more than 40 strategies to encourage biking. This includes supporting the city's effort to improve infrastructure improvements and expand the local bike work; building a network of skilled volunteers and advocates; supporting events like Walk and Roll Week and Bike to Work Day; developing Spanish and Chinese language materials to encourage broader participation in Safe Routes to School; and supporting free services like bike repairs and distribution of bike lights and helmets to under-resourced students.

Some council members and students believe the program should also do more to encourage biking among the district's older students. Phela Durosinmi, a Paly senior, said that since he had graduated from middle school, he's heard virtually no discussion of bike safety.

"I think simply increasing presence and having more lessons and more education in the upper levels of classes will bring a lot more awareness to biking and really encourage students to bike," Durosinmi said. "For us, the only time we ever hear mention of biking to school is once a year, when there's a survey taking place asking students how they get to school."

Council member Greg Tanaka, an avid bicyclist with two children at Paly, suggested that the city's pro-biking message is getting weaker at the high school level. His children used to be really excited about biking when they were in middle school and elementary school. Now, the "vibe" at Paly has shifted such that some people think biking is no longer cool.

He suggested that the city consider some programs at high schools to encourage biking or even promote a competition between schools.

"There has to be some change in the perception of the coolness factor," Tanaka said.

Council member Ed Lauing also supported relying on peer pressure and a sense of competition, particularly at the middle school level, to encourage children to bike to school. Others supported doing more to encourage traffic safety. Council member Vicki Veenker called for taking a closer look at construction sites along school corridors to make sure that heavy equipment isn't being moved in and out of the road during commute hours. Council member Julie Lythcott-Haims suggested a greater focus on police enforcement of driving violations during times when children are biking to and from school.

"What can we do to educate drivers to slow down and follow the rules of the road?" Lythcott-Haims asked. "These are children, for goodness sake, just trying to get to school."

For the most part, however, council members were optimistic about the program regaining its momentum after the pandemic lull. Council member Pat Burt alluded to a "downward spiral" that the city suffered 30 years ago, when the share of students getting driven to school was so high that roads were congested and the conditions made biking unsafe, further perpetuating the driving trend.

"It just took year after year of steady progress to reverse that trend. I think we have the foundation that we're not in jeopardy of having a permanent reversal, but I sure do look forward to us getting back to that incredible path of 25 years of incredible progress," Burt said.


Registered user
another community
on Apr 26, 2023 at 5:32 pm
MyFeelz, another community
Registered user
on Apr 26, 2023 at 5:32 pm

Here's an idea: cut the top city salaried do-nothing's in half, and use the savings to buy bikes for kids.

It's the right thing to do.

Supporting shaming kids into riding bikes to school will NEVER work. But, uhhh, way to go, Lauing.

"What can we do to educate drivers to slow down and follow the rules of the road?" Lythcott-Haims asked. "These are children, for goodness sake, just trying to get to school."

Now we are blaming poor driving as the reasoning behind why kids don't bike to school?

I walked to school uphill both ways. Bikes are not the only method of travel. We need more $tudies. $pend more, to find the $olution.

Registered user
Palo Verde School
on Apr 26, 2023 at 6:19 pm
Talltree, Palo Verde School
Registered user
on Apr 26, 2023 at 6:19 pm

Many factors may have caused a decline

1) bigger backpacks. Kids need to carry computers to school.
2) after-school programs and commitments which kids need to go to right after school which may or may not be within the city or bikeable.
3)later release time at secondary schools which is not only exhausting but also dangerous for kids during fall and winter.
3) bike thefts

If the goal is to reduce cars, bikes cannot be the only option. The city should have options like the current Link transportation to take kids back and forth. Public transport has to be improved by running buses that service the school community from all over town.

Palo Alto native
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Old Palo Alto
on Apr 26, 2023 at 10:36 pm
Palo Alto native, Old Palo Alto
Registered user
on Apr 26, 2023 at 10:36 pm

Get the Churchill grade separation DONE!! It will make it much faster and convenient for bike riders to arrive and leave Paly safely. Currently it is NOT safe to cross at Churchill. Any parent who has a child with mental/emotional struggles knows about the high rate of suicides here. If car driving students have a 55 minute increase in time to get to school, they will probably choose to bike, thus saving time.

Registered user
on Apr 27, 2023 at 6:36 am
localmom46, Greenmeadow
Registered user
on Apr 27, 2023 at 6:36 am

I definitely think that the later release times are definitely a huge factor for high schoolers. In addition, bus routes have been greatly reduced. When my oldest started at Gunn, there were several VTA busses at different times. Now it’s on in the morning and one in the afternoon. If your schedule doesn’t match those busses, you can’t take them.

Registered user
Old Palo Alto
on Apr 27, 2023 at 11:16 am
Richard, Old Palo Alto
Registered user
on Apr 27, 2023 at 11:16 am

I agree with most of the comments regarding possible reasons for a decline in bike riding to school. I am an avid cyclist and as a 75 year old adult I follow the adage "never trust a car driver (to stop, heed lights or that they see you etc)". However kids who don't drive or are new to driving do not appreciate the risks cars impose, usually inadvertently. There is one area where the city could help in this regard: ticket those drivers who run red lights. This is especially important on Middlefield Road, Embarcadero and Oregon Expressway that some kids have to cross. Are we waiting for someone to be killed? Also kids have to be educated as to how to enter an intersection where there is not a stop sign for traffic on the street they are entering. I live near the bike boulevard, Bryant Street, a major route to PALY. Cars share the road on Bryant where there are no stop signs; yet I have seen kids simply ride into Bryant from a crossing street without so much as looking to see if a car is coming. There I have observed some near misses. In fact I once saw a kid looking at his phone enter an intersection and actually hit the side of car that was driving through the intersection.

Another area of concern is the construction that will be starting at Castilleja, which fronts on streets that lead kids to PALY. How will this be patrolled and controlled to avoid mishaps with cyclists and heavy equipment going in and out of the site?

On another note, there has been a notable increase in young riders on E bikes. Often these are going 20mph, faster than most recreational or commuter cyclists ride. These kids clearly have no idea of how to drive a fast moving vehicle in a road. It is amazing to me that some sort of license is not required to ride an e-bike.

Consider Your Options.
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Another Palo Alto neighborhood
on Apr 27, 2023 at 11:59 am
Consider Your Options. , Another Palo Alto neighborhood
Registered user
on Apr 27, 2023 at 11:59 am

During the pandemic, we lost years of in-school bike/pedestrian safety education and the fun encouragement programs that kids and families love. City staff worked hard with PAUSD and PTAs to pivot and move bike/pedestrian safety programming online (and they did a pretty great job with that task), but (let's face it) online learning is not great for most young kids. We entirely lost the on-bike, in-school bike handling components of the programming during the pandemic. In addition, we lost encouragement events while kids were isolated at home. No bike rodeos then, sadly.

Safe Routes to School is one a powerful partnership of the PAUSD, the City of Palo Alto and PTAs, leveraging the people-power of PTA and student volunteers. Many thousands of PAUSD students bike to school each day. (Drivers, are you paying attention?) Most of these young riders are pretty skilled, especially if you compare them to kids in other communities (and some drivers). My observation would be they are more skilled than most adult bicyclists in this community. (Sadly, kids who go to private schools, where this kind of safety education generally is not offered, often do not learn these skills, among other opportunities they miss that PAUSD offers.) SRTS is re-introducing fun events and education programs now that young people are back in school. I predict they will shift back to bikes--because it's FUN and, frankly, it's FASTER for a lot of around-town trips, especially school commutes. It's a great way to stay fit and healthy, spend time with friends enroute to school, and it is GREAT for our planet.

Parents, you can help with these fun events and learn along with your kids! Go to Palo Alto Council of PTAs web page to learn how and to connect with parent volunteers.

I hope the City and PAUSD will help put some extra Ooompf into the program as we rebuild. Palo Alto is place where pedal-powered transportation really works for people of all ages and abilities.

Registered user
Old Palo Alto
on Apr 27, 2023 at 12:38 pm
M, Old Palo Alto
Registered user
on Apr 27, 2023 at 12:38 pm

Palo Alto City Council has several strong advocates for bikes, not just for students going to school but as an alternative means of transportation. But, they are a minority, and recent decisions by the Council such as eliminating the long-standing bike commuting route through California Avenue is a good example. Moreover, Palo Alto was one of the first cities in California to move against the recently OnmiBike Bill (AB 1909), passed by the California Legislature to make the use of eBikes, as a primary mode of transportation, safer and to discourage the closing of bikeways through parks. This was portrayed was as a move to protect wildlife on trails, which was never at issue, but rather to block ebikes from the the several service roads that are part of regional bike commuting corridors. AB 1909 was passed to expand the use of micro-mobility and make it safer, and it is ironic that one of the first cities in the state to go the other direction was Palo Alto.

Registered user
on Apr 27, 2023 at 4:34 pm
Resident11, Fairmeadow
Registered user
on Apr 27, 2023 at 4:34 pm

"block ebikes from the several service roads that are part of regional bike commuting corridors"

I bike a lot around here and this claim mystifies me. Can you identify the regional bike commuting corridors where Palo Alto blocks e-bikes? I find great routes in every direction from the city. What am I missing?

Native to the BAY
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Old Palo Alto
on Apr 27, 2023 at 6:41 pm
Native to the BAY, Old Palo Alto
Registered user
on Apr 27, 2023 at 6:41 pm

Here is a thought: Highest paid city “do nothings” who collect good pensions, get full CoVID pay, sick pay, vacation pay, all paid holidays — pledge their earnings to enhance bicycle, train, bus, ped miles for the program longevity. For every 1/4 mile they walk/ride .50 — for every mile they bus, train to work .25 cents . Councilman Lauing. There is over the top competition between peers at our school already ten times over. What we need is leadership from the top tier. Example and role modeling from grown. Ups After all Paly students pinned up thier college rejection letters. A sort way to show solidarity to hard work and loss. Mr. Kline scolded the students who took the initiative to “fail forward”. He removed the letters and replaced them w the traditional competitive, higher success acceptance letters to Yale, Harvard, Brown, UC Berkeley, UCLA. BTW the college rejection letters posted was sanctioned by the AS student body and the social justice club. It was also making lighter the immense pressure and load our children are burdened w under the umbrella of the tech mister we’ve incubated and created — a “Frankenshtern”as Mel Brooks coined. By high school, there is a social cavern between those who ride a good quality Trek bike and those who are proved a 1000-3000 bike. What happened to the Embarcadero Dutch Crossing plan? What about much dire needed at the deadly crossing at Cal Ave & ECR. That tragic night March 6th marked a grim milestone. Cusp of daylight savings, cold, Hours before Statewide CoVID lockdown, distraction and really bad 22 VTA bus stop at a bad intersection. I am very very very sorry the SRTS is being deprived it’s due. Especially in light of climate change. Perhaps HOH powered PA parents are digging the 1o minutes in the am and pm drive to and from school is a safer bet for their families survival than the planet’s — and w added traffic, they get a few more seconds with their child before hitting the hamster wheel of money & successful startup real estate dividends.

Registered user
Another Palo Alto neighborhood
on Apr 27, 2023 at 6:49 pm
Jenny, Another Palo Alto neighborhood
Registered user
on Apr 27, 2023 at 6:49 pm

Agree with Richard that red-light runners should be ticketed but it won't necessarily make it safer for bicyclists. I see red-light runners on Embarcadero and Oregon Expressway often and they drive through a light that is already red, not just turning from yellow to red.

As a parent of Paly graduates, I can tell you what the issue is: Students are being hit by cars! I know countless students who have been hit and hurt. One could be the most cautious bike rider yet be hit by some reckless, hurried commuter cutting through our city, doing a California stop at a stop sign or turning in front of a bike. BTW, where the green bike lane breaks is where the car turning right is supposed to enter the bike lane, not drive up to the corner and turning right at the corner. I never allowed my children to ride their bikes because of the dangers, they took the free shuttle on Embarcadero Rd. (which was erroneously discontinued) or they drove themselves to school. Alma/Churchill is very dangerous, especially on the route home where cars on Churchill are turning right and can cut off bikers. Otherwise, bikes have to sit in the middle of Churchill amongst cars, waiting for the light to change! The whole thing is ludicrous! When they work on the train tracks there, driving on Embarcadero Rd. will be like the commute on Charleston Rd. to Gunn High, nicknamed "The One Hour Mile." Fortunately, Castilleja has different school hours. The other issue is stolen bikes from Greene and Paly and all around town; non-residents come to Palo Alto and steal bikes. PAUSD should plan for school buses for the safety of our children instead of giving themselves more raises for the already $170K teacher salaries. But alas, it's not all about the students although we wish it were.

Native to the BAY
Registered user
Old Palo Alto
on Apr 27, 2023 at 11:05 pm
Native to the BAY, Old Palo Alto
Registered user
on Apr 27, 2023 at 11:05 pm

SRTS is one city service that deserves is a solid place in action. Not played or stayed yet a real time action oriented city staff who serve the larger community. Of any city staffed department who serves our taxes, Tbilisi department is the gold standard.,In real time! Always available and a tune to the needs of our bi-PDI also community, young and old. The Pandemic has caused a disruption in data. Yet do not forget this children that also ride bikes to and from after school activities or a high school job . Not only safe routes to school but everywhere within our borders outside school hours.

Consider Your Options.
Registered user
Another Palo Alto neighborhood
on May 1, 2023 at 4:09 pm
Consider Your Options. , Another Palo Alto neighborhood
Registered user
on May 1, 2023 at 4:09 pm

When we look carefully at traffic data on school routes, we quickly see that car trips on most school routes fall off soon after bell time--even though about half of PAUSD kids walk or bike to school. Parents who drive their kids to school or who give kids a car to drive to school contribute to risk for foot-powered kids on the same routes. This is a safety problem we parents can solve.

Bicycling is a great way for kids to start their day with invigorating exercise. Studies show that kids who start their day with exercise perform better in school. As they practice safety skills, they can learn to be more independent of mom and dad for transportation.--Isn't capability and independence the end game we are shooting for? This is good for their mental and physical health...and our planet.

Kids who are strapped passively in the back seat of a car miss a lot of traffic safety skill building. These essential life skills require regular supervised practice to become"hard-wired" so kids will habitually do the right thing on the street. They get that practice when we parents walk or bike with them. Walking or biking together to elementary school is a great way to connect with your child, their friends and their friends parents--and build community connections that will help you throughout your child's academic and social life in PAUSD. Those friendships were valuable to me as a parent as my kids got older. Parents share information and help each other.

School buses? The State of California has cut most funding for them. Few California districts have them any more for any but kids who are federally mandated for busing or kids in rural districts who are traveling really long distances. Most kids in Palo Alto bike or walk less than two or three miles of flat terrain to get to school. That is a VERY bikable commute for most able-bodied kids. Biking builds confidence, friendships, safety skills, strong, healthy bodies and brains, and NO carbon emissions.

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