
As more residents go electric, Palo Alto eyes major grid upgrade

City plans to spend more than $200M over next seven years to add capacity to overhead lines, install new transformers

A biker rides by the substation on Park Boulevard in Palo Alto on April 21, 2021. Photo by Magali Gauthier.

If Palo Alto succeeds in reaching — or even nearing — its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2030, it would have to overcome a steep hurdle: an electric grid that wasn't designed for such lofty ambitions.

The city's plan leans heavily on electrification — the powering up of local cars and homes not by gas but by renewable electricity. Under a recently adopted "reach code," developers are already required to make all new buildings all-electric. And a new sustainability plan that the City Council unanimously approved Monday includes the installation of new electric-vehicle charging equipment near multi-family developments and pilot programs to encourage the installation of electric appliances such as heat pump water heaters for single-family homes and electric HVAC equipment for commercial properties.

While pursuing these programs, Palo Alto will also undertake its largest electrical-grid update in decades: a project that is expected to cost between $220 million and $306 million and take about seven years to complete, according to a presentation that Tomm Marshall, assistant director at city of Palo Alto Utilities, gave to the city's Utilities Advisory Commission on Wednesday, June 7.

The project will kick off in neighborhoods with overhead electrical lines and later move on to the underground districts, where infrastructure upgrades are expected to be more costly and contentious.

Utilities administrators also plan to upgrade two existing substations to increase their capacity, Marshall said.

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While not as splashy as some of Palo Alto's other recent infrastructure projects — a list that includes a bike bridge, a replaced fire station and a new police headquarters that is nearing completion — the grid update is key to helping the city meet its climate goals.

According to the plan, buildings produced about 37.8% of the city's total emissions in 2021, and the city hopes to reduce this figure through electrification programs such as a recently launched effort to get 1,000 customers to install heat pump water heaters this year.

Strengthening the grid

Power lines and a utility pole at the East Meadow substation at the intersection of East Meadow Drive and Middlefield Road in Palo Alto on Jan. 31, 2022. Photo by Magali Gauther.

But with more residents increasingly relying on electric appliances and vehicles, the city's grid is already showing signs of strain, including flickering lights and low voltage at some homes. Some transformers are starting to fail, Marshall said.

The project will involve converting existing 4 kVa (kilo volt ampere) lines in the city's overhead system to 12 kVa, increasing their capacity and allowing them to meet what staff project to be future electricity demand. Utilities plans to start with overhead lines in north Palo Alto neighborhoods around University Avenue and Embarcadero Road and near Rinconada Park, which currently have 4 kVa lines. In south Palo Alto, the area around East Meadow Circle would see similar upgrades.

According to the Utility Department's timeline, the city would begin the upgrade of the overhead system later this year with the goal of completing it in 2027.

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"The reason we're attacking that first is probably about 60-70% of all customers are connected to the overhead system, so we're looking at getting that done as soon as possible so that customers won't be restricted by the capacity of the existing network," Marshall said.

Underground districts would follow, and staff expects this phase to be particularly complex, expensive and politically tricky. The city does not install subsurface equipment anymore, so it will have to find locations in neighborhoods where pad-mounted transformers would be installed.

Marshall and Utilities Director Dean Batchelor both cited opposition from neighbors to past projects that required installation of electric equipment near their properties.

"These are difficult negotiations that have to occur with neighborhoods to find locations to put the equipment," Marshall said.

The upgrade of underground utilities would stretch from 2026 to 2030, according to the current timeline.

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Some members of the Utilities Advisory Commission wondered whether the city can adopt policies to speed up the installation of new transformers. Commissioner Lisa Forssell asked whether this process really needs to be a negotiation.

"Are there policies that the council could adopt that would make it be less complex?" Forssell asked.

Transformers at the East Meadow substation at the intersection of East Meadow Drive and Middlefield Road in Palo Alto on Jan. 31, 2022. Photo by Magali Gauther.

At the moment, however, utility leaders are loath to force the new equipment — green boxes with humming sounds — on neighborhoods. Marshall said the city doesn't want to engage in a "public relations nightmare" with its customers. Batchelor concurred and said he isn't sure that forcing customers' hands is the best approach. That said, the city will have to find enough locations to accommodate a doubling of its transformers.

"What you see now in someone's backyard or even a pad-mounted transformer, there may be three more transformers that may have to be put into that community," Batchelor said. "And who's going to be the lucky one who'll have to now see the box all of a sudden? I think it's going to be some long conversations, and we're going to have to work through that."

The council's new sustainability plan underscores the importance of the upgrade and includes as one of its stated goals: Modernize the electric grid to support increased electric demand and to accommodate state-of-the-art technology.

Council member Pat Burt, who chairs the council's S/CAP Committee, said during the Monday discussion of the sustainability plan that the issue will become particularly critical as the city moves ahead with implementing its Housing Element, which calls for accommodating more than 6,000 new dwellings between 2023 and 2031.

"All those new units are going to be immediately fully electric with carbon-neutral electricity," Burt said.

The city remains far from its goal of carbon neutrality. As of 2021, it has reduced its emissions by about 54% from 1990 levels. By far the largest factor was its switch to a carbon-free electricity portfolio in 2013. Burt, however, expressed optimism that the new work plan, which includes grid modernization, offers a reasonable blueprint for reaching the target.

"We're back on a committed path," Burt said. "And if we fall short, we're not going to fall way short. We're seeing there's a real rapid transformation that's occurring."

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Gennady Sheyner
Gennady Sheyner covers the City Hall beat in Palo Alto as well as regional politics, with a special focus on housing and transportation. Before joining the Palo Alto Weekly/ in 2008, he covered breaking news and local politics for the Waterbury Republican-American, a daily newspaper in Connecticut. Read more >>

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As more residents go electric, Palo Alto eyes major grid upgrade

City plans to spend more than $200M over next seven years to add capacity to overhead lines, install new transformers

If Palo Alto succeeds in reaching — or even nearing — its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2030, it would have to overcome a steep hurdle: an electric grid that wasn't designed for such lofty ambitions.

The city's plan leans heavily on electrification — the powering up of local cars and homes not by gas but by renewable electricity. Under a recently adopted "reach code," developers are already required to make all new buildings all-electric. And a new sustainability plan that the City Council unanimously approved Monday includes the installation of new electric-vehicle charging equipment near multi-family developments and pilot programs to encourage the installation of electric appliances such as heat pump water heaters for single-family homes and electric HVAC equipment for commercial properties.

While pursuing these programs, Palo Alto will also undertake its largest electrical-grid update in decades: a project that is expected to cost between $220 million and $306 million and take about seven years to complete, according to a presentation that Tomm Marshall, assistant director at city of Palo Alto Utilities, gave to the city's Utilities Advisory Commission on Wednesday, June 7.

The project will kick off in neighborhoods with overhead electrical lines and later move on to the underground districts, where infrastructure upgrades are expected to be more costly and contentious.

Utilities administrators also plan to upgrade two existing substations to increase their capacity, Marshall said.

While not as splashy as some of Palo Alto's other recent infrastructure projects — a list that includes a bike bridge, a replaced fire station and a new police headquarters that is nearing completion — the grid update is key to helping the city meet its climate goals.

According to the plan, buildings produced about 37.8% of the city's total emissions in 2021, and the city hopes to reduce this figure through electrification programs such as a recently launched effort to get 1,000 customers to install heat pump water heaters this year.

Strengthening the grid

But with more residents increasingly relying on electric appliances and vehicles, the city's grid is already showing signs of strain, including flickering lights and low voltage at some homes. Some transformers are starting to fail, Marshall said.

The project will involve converting existing 4 kVa (kilo volt ampere) lines in the city's overhead system to 12 kVa, increasing their capacity and allowing them to meet what staff project to be future electricity demand. Utilities plans to start with overhead lines in north Palo Alto neighborhoods around University Avenue and Embarcadero Road and near Rinconada Park, which currently have 4 kVa lines. In south Palo Alto, the area around East Meadow Circle would see similar upgrades.

According to the Utility Department's timeline, the city would begin the upgrade of the overhead system later this year with the goal of completing it in 2027.

"The reason we're attacking that first is probably about 60-70% of all customers are connected to the overhead system, so we're looking at getting that done as soon as possible so that customers won't be restricted by the capacity of the existing network," Marshall said.

Underground districts would follow, and staff expects this phase to be particularly complex, expensive and politically tricky. The city does not install subsurface equipment anymore, so it will have to find locations in neighborhoods where pad-mounted transformers would be installed.

Marshall and Utilities Director Dean Batchelor both cited opposition from neighbors to past projects that required installation of electric equipment near their properties.

"These are difficult negotiations that have to occur with neighborhoods to find locations to put the equipment," Marshall said.

The upgrade of underground utilities would stretch from 2026 to 2030, according to the current timeline.

Some members of the Utilities Advisory Commission wondered whether the city can adopt policies to speed up the installation of new transformers. Commissioner Lisa Forssell asked whether this process really needs to be a negotiation.

"Are there policies that the council could adopt that would make it be less complex?" Forssell asked.

At the moment, however, utility leaders are loath to force the new equipment — green boxes with humming sounds — on neighborhoods. Marshall said the city doesn't want to engage in a "public relations nightmare" with its customers. Batchelor concurred and said he isn't sure that forcing customers' hands is the best approach. That said, the city will have to find enough locations to accommodate a doubling of its transformers.

"What you see now in someone's backyard or even a pad-mounted transformer, there may be three more transformers that may have to be put into that community," Batchelor said. "And who's going to be the lucky one who'll have to now see the box all of a sudden? I think it's going to be some long conversations, and we're going to have to work through that."

The council's new sustainability plan underscores the importance of the upgrade and includes as one of its stated goals: Modernize the electric grid to support increased electric demand and to accommodate state-of-the-art technology.

Council member Pat Burt, who chairs the council's S/CAP Committee, said during the Monday discussion of the sustainability plan that the issue will become particularly critical as the city moves ahead with implementing its Housing Element, which calls for accommodating more than 6,000 new dwellings between 2023 and 2031.

"All those new units are going to be immediately fully electric with carbon-neutral electricity," Burt said.

The city remains far from its goal of carbon neutrality. As of 2021, it has reduced its emissions by about 54% from 1990 levels. By far the largest factor was its switch to a carbon-free electricity portfolio in 2013. Burt, however, expressed optimism that the new work plan, which includes grid modernization, offers a reasonable blueprint for reaching the target.

"We're back on a committed path," Burt said. "And if we fall short, we're not going to fall way short. We're seeing there's a real rapid transformation that's occurring."


Registered user
Another Palo Alto neighborhood
on Jun 8, 2023 at 9:26 am
Bystander, Another Palo Alto neighborhood
Registered user
on Jun 8, 2023 at 9:26 am

So more capacity on those ugly overhanging lines for those of us who have them and no mention of the undergrounding program.

Can this third world system be any worse?

Registered user
College Terrace
on Jun 8, 2023 at 9:35 am
anon1234, College Terrace
Registered user
on Jun 8, 2023 at 9:35 am

Good luck charging your car in non peak hours ( during the day)
if you live or work in a new building that state laws require to have no onsite parking!?!

Online Name
Registered user
Embarcadero Oaks/Leland
on Jun 8, 2023 at 9:51 am
Online Name, Embarcadero Oaks/Leland
Registered user
on Jun 8, 2023 at 9:51 am

"But with more residents increasingly relying on electric appliances and vehicles, the city's grid is already showing signs of strain, including flickering lights and low voltage at some homes. Some transformers are starting to fail, Marshall said."

Remind me again why the city's rushing forward with its forced conversion programs that will only make things worse.

"City plans to spend more than $200M over next seven years to add capacity to OVERHEAD lines, install new transformers..."

And how much will be spent on undergrounding when birds, balloons, falling branches etc. can and do routinely knock out power for thousands of us.

Barron Park Denizen
Registered user
Barron Park
on Jun 8, 2023 at 10:57 am
Barron Park Denizen, Barron Park
Registered user
on Jun 8, 2023 at 10:57 am

It's striking how the "third world" poles and overhead wiring offer flexibility, facilitating retrofitting of higher-capacity transformers and wiring. Plus offer a route for new fiber.

In contrast, undergrounded facilities are much harder to modify, and multiple new aboveground, and butt-ugly and noisily humming, transformers will be needed in residential areas since the City, for some unstated reason, no longer wants to install below grade units. Maybe the irritating inconvenience caused by the occasional Mylar balloon or fried squirrel is the tradeoff.

Registered user
South of Midtown
on Jun 8, 2023 at 12:17 pm
PST, South of Midtown
Registered user
on Jun 8, 2023 at 12:17 pm

I would prefer getting everything underground as the top priority. Spending $200,000,000 on above ground “improvements” don’t seem like improvements to me. More like going backwards. Has the city decided to stop the under grounding effort? If so, I missed that news. If so, the northern part of the city once again seems to be benefitting from favoritism.

Online Name
Registered user
Embarcadero Oaks/Leland
on Jun 8, 2023 at 12:40 pm
Online Name, Embarcadero Oaks/Leland
Registered user
on Jun 8, 2023 at 12:40 pm

The city is doing everything possible to shove their costly, unproven and financially risky fiber network down our throats whether or not we want it.

It's absurdly laughable that a "survey" asking us about our fiber preferences A) doesn't allow us to say we DON'T want and, B) solicits advance deposits for it.

Ain't "democracy" and objective "public opinion surveys" great.

Registered user
University South
on Jun 8, 2023 at 2:17 pm
pestocat, University South
Registered user
on Jun 8, 2023 at 2:17 pm

As Palo Alto Utilities moves to upgrade the local grid and pressure customers to switch to all-electric, we must keep in mind, this will also increase the state's CO2 levels. The Utility has done a great job in purchasing carbon-free electricity, but that is not what it sells to it's customers. The city is connected to the state's grid and that is what we customers use and purchase. The electricity we use in Palo Alto is no different that what Menlo Park and Mt. View use. In 2021, more than 35% of the electricity came from natural gas power plants. There were days in the summer where more than 50% of the electricity came from natural gas power plants. In order to cut back on using natural gas power generation, the state's grid must add low-cost energy storage methods. Companies are working on these low-cost means, but they just not available today. This has to be a high priority plan.

Registered user
Green Acres
on Jun 8, 2023 at 3:25 pm
Mondoman, Green Acres
Registered user
on Jun 8, 2023 at 3:25 pm

"The city does not install subsurface equipment anymore, "
Why not?

Chris C.
Registered user
Community Center
on Jun 8, 2023 at 7:22 pm
Chris C., Community Center
Registered user
on Jun 8, 2023 at 7:22 pm

@mondoman: As I understand it, the main reason is water. Much of Palo Alto has standing water not far under the surface, and even with dry ground the soil is clay, which causes surface water to take a while to be absorbed when it rains. As a result, electrical equipment under the surface needs to be able to put up with this wet environment.

...and building and maintaining wires to put up with this water costs a lot more money than building and maintaining above ground wiring. (Above ground wiring fails more often, but when it does it is cheaper and faster to fix it than below ground, so it still comes out ahead.) So, faced with a choice of charging more to pay for higher installation and maintenance costs, or charging customers less, they chose to charge ratepayers less.

Registered user
Green Acres
on Jun 9, 2023 at 12:16 am
Mondoman, Green Acres
Registered user
on Jun 9, 2023 at 12:16 am

@Chris That makes sense for new undergrounding, but in existing undergrounded neighborhoods the wires will remain underground. Presumably PAU has been setting aside funds or allowances during the 50 years since undergrounding for eventual replacement of the underground transformers.

Asher Waldfogel
Registered user
Old Palo Alto
on Jun 13, 2023 at 6:52 am
Asher Waldfogel, Old Palo Alto
Registered user
on Jun 13, 2023 at 6:52 am

Any discussion what this will do to rates? Headline says $200M and text says "between $220 million and $306 million". That's $30M to $40M per year. Is the plan to build annual costs into the rates or borrow to pay it back over the useful life of the upgrades?

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