Last Updated: Tuesday, May 23, 2000, 10:30 a.m.
Text of the affidavit filed by Palo
Alto police
The following is the text of the sworn affidavit filed in Santa Clara
County Superior Court by Palo Alto police in support of their request
for a warrant to arrest Kenneth Fitzhugh on the charge of murdering his
wife, Kristine.
Readers are strongly cautioned that none of the allegations in the affidavit
has been proven in a court of law. The affidavit, signed by Detective
Mike Denson, is a statement by police concerning facts in the case they
believe to be true or that they know from their own observations. The
affidavit does not include any response from Kenneth Fitzhugh to the allegations,
nor does it reflect his plea in the case.
Readers are additionally cautioned that the affidavit contains graphic
language depicting violence. Parents may wish to screen the material before
allowing their children to view it.
Case No. 00-126-0111
The following information is based on information that I hove personally
gathered or that has been relayed to me by other Palo Alto police officers,
members of the Santa Clara County Coroner's Office, and/or members of
Santa Clara County Crime Laboratory.
On May 5, 2000, Kenneth Fitzhugh Jr. killed his wife, Kristine Fitzhugh,
by beating her over the head with a blunt object and strangling her. This
vicious assault occurred in the kitchen of their home located in the Southgate neighborhood, Palo Alto, California. During the assault, the victim lost
a substantial amount of blood. Mr Fitzhugh attempted to clean up the victim's
blood, which had dripped onto the kitchen floor and furniture. He then
moved her body and "staged" it at the foot of the basement stairway adjacent
to a brass ship bell. Later he brought friends to the scene so that he
would have witnesses to the "discovery" of his wife's body. He attempted
to mislead investigators by suggesting that the victim had been killed
when she fell down the basement stairs and hit her head.
Factual Background
The victim, Kristine Fitzhugh, and the defendant were married for the
last 33 years. They had two children. The victim worked as part-time music
teacher for the Palo Alto School District and was (sic) did volunteer
work for community organizations. Mr. Fitzhugh was self-employed as a
real estate consultant and ran the business out of their residence. He
also did paralegal work on a part-time basis. For the last 18 years, the
Fitzhugh family has lived in the Palo Alto home.
The Crime Scene
The Fitzhughs' home is in a neighborhood is (sic) known as "Southgate".
The house has two stories, four bedrooms, an attic, and a basement. The
following description reflects the appearance of the home when police
saw it on May 5, 2000, the day Kristine was killed. The kitchen had a
hardwood floor, an island, and a stainless steel sink with a garbage disposal.
On the pink tile counter was a paper towel rack. Under the sink was a
storage cabinet that contained cleaning fluids and paper bags. A rectangular
wooden table and four wooden chairs were located by the east wall. One
of the chairs was situated at the south end of the table. The table was
centered in front of a large window that looked eastward toward a section
of the back yard. Dark green pattern wallpaper covered the kitchen walls.
At the end of the hallway was a laundry room.
This room had shelving that was used for storage, including a large package
of paper towels. There was a washer and a dryer that had blood spatter
on them. Directly across from the kitchen was a door that led
down to the basement. The basement floor was cement. The basement contained
storage cabinets, cleaning materials, tools, and other objects consistent
with a home that had been lived in for 18 years.
The 12 stairs leading into the basement appeared to have been rebuilt
recently. The white steps had synthetic anti-slip strips attached to the
leading edge of each step. There was a round wooden handrail adjacent
to the stairs. One of the victim's shoes was located on the left side
of the seventh step from the top of the staircase. The landing was about
four feet square and was covered with a carpet. The carpet had a wet bloodstain
on it. A large heavy brass ship bell had been placed at an unusual location,
blocking a portion of the landing. Fire Personnel moved the bell because
it interfered with their resuscitation efforts. A telephone was located
at the base of the stairs. Items of clothing in dry cleaning bags and
school papers were found near the victims' body. These items had blood
on them by the time police arrived. The basement floor had a large pool
of wet blood consistent with the location of victim's head when resuscitation
efforts were attempted. The Fitzhughs owned three automobiles. There is
no garage and only one of the cars could fit in the driveway. Escobita
Avenue is a narrow tree lined street. When a large car, such as the Fitzhughs'
Suburban, was parked on the street, there was room for only one car to
pass it at a time. Mr. Fitzhugh typically drove a green convertible 325
BMW or a blue 1999 Suburban (California License plate # 4JSK143). Both
of these vehicles typically were parked on the street in front of the
house. Ms. Fitzhugh drove a silver 325 BMW, which she parked in the driveway.
Officers responding to the scene found the (sic) Ms. Fitzhugh's
car parked in the driveway and other vehicles parked on the street in
front of the house.
Time of Death
According to witnesses, Kristine Fitzhugh was at Peet's Coffee Shop
in Palo Alto on May 5, 2000, after teaching her regularly scheduled music
class. At approximately noon she bought two muffins and coffee.
The investigation determined that a Fed-Ex employee, who attempted to
deliver a package to the victim's home at 12:08 p.m. on May 5, 2000, said
that no one answered the door. The driver stated that there were no cars
in the driveway, and the Suburban was not parked in front of the house.
The event was initially reported to the police by way of a "911" call
that was placed from the victim's residence at 1:41 p.m. on May 5, 2000.
Based on this and other information, I believe that the time of the victim's
death was between 12:08 p.m. (the time the Fed-Ex driver knocked on the
door) and 1:41 p.m. (the time of the "911" call).
Discovery of Victim
Two female friends of the victim told investigators that Mr. Fitzhugh
arrived at their home on May 5, 2000 around 1:30 p.m. driving his blue
Suburban. He told them that his wife had not shown up for class and he
wanted to go by his house to see if she was there. They rode with Fitzhugh
to his Escobita Avenue home. They noticed that the front door was ajar
and remained in the car while Mr. Fitzhugh went inside. They saw him go
upstairs and heard him calling out Kristine's name. Mr. Fitzhugh looked
around downstairs and then came back outside and told them he need (sic)
help because his wife was injured. One of the women went downstairs
with Mr. Fitzhugh. She observed Kristine Fitzhugh's body lying at the
base of the stairs. Her head was on the landing, near the ship's bell
and her legs extended up the stairwell. There were several pieces (sic)
clothing in dry cleaning bags and school papers under her body. One woman called "911" and told the Palo Alto Police Department dispatcher that a person was injured inside the residence.
The Fire Department and Officer Priess of the Palo Alto
Police Department were dispatched to the residence. In the meantime, one
of the women and Mr. Fitzhugh moved the victim to a flat area of the basement.
Fire Department personnel arrived and were directed to the basement. Resuscitation
was attempted but Ms. Fitzhugh was already dead. Officer Priess
arrived shortly after the Fire Department. He found Kenneth Fitzhugh Jr.
and the two women at the residence. He noticed that Kenneth Fitzhugh was
wearing black dress shoes, black pants and a light colored dress shirt.
Mr. Fitzhugh told Officer Priess that the injured woman was his wife,
and went on to say that she must have slipped while carrying some dry
cleaning down the stairs and hit her head. Mr. Fitzhugh explained that
when he discovered his wife's body, her head was at the bottom of the
stairs next to the ship's bell, and her feet were above her on the stairs.
He said that some dry cleaning was under her head and one of her shoes
was located farther up the stairs.
Officer Priess believed the death to be an unattended accident. He called
in back up to assist in the investigation. Mr. Fitzhugh and the two women
were taken to a room where they remained until investigators arrived.
In the mean time (sic) Mr. Fitzhugh made telephone calls and told
people that his wife had been killed when she slipped and fell down the
basement stairs.
was assigned the investigation and arrived at the residence at approximately
3:00 p.m. on May 5, 2000. I observed the condition of the house, and in
particular the stairwell area where the victim had been found. The victim's
right shoe was on the seventh step from the top. There was blood on the
victim, mostly around her head area. There was more blood on the floor
and on a large heavy brass bell. By the time I arrived, the ship's bell
had been moved away from the landing area to make room for resuscitation
efforts. On the dining room table, I observed the victim's purse,
keys, an uneaten muffin, and a bottle of water. On the kitchen table was
a half-eaten muffin, a half-full cup of coffee, a notebook, some school
papers, and an orange marker. It appeared to me that the victim had been
sitting at the kitchen table immediately before she died.
Suspect's Story
Kenneth Fitzhugh agreed to come to the police department so that I could
interview him. I asked him to tell me what he and his wife had done that
day. Mr. Fitzhugh proceeded to tell me the following:
He and his wife, Kristine Fitzhugh, got up around 6 a.m., read the newspaper
and drank coffee. They went jogging at approximately 7:00 a.m., returning
around 7:45 a.m. Mr. Fitzhugh said he took off his clothes and put his
running shoes back in his bedroom closet. Fitzhugh claimed that after
showering he put on the same clothing that he was wearing while talking
with me. These were the same clothes he had on when Officer Priess first
arrived at the house. At around 10:00 a.m. his wife left the house in
her silver BMW and headed to teach her regular scheduled 10:20 a.m. music
class at nearby Duvenick (sic) Elementary School. Mr. Fitzhugh
claimed that he left the residence around 11:00 a.m. and drove his Suburban
to a vacant lot located at 2101 Sneath Lane in San Bruno, California.
He arrived at 11:45 a.m. and parked his Suburban in the parking lot adjacent
to the vacant lot. He said he then walked around the undeveloped property
for about an hour and considered whether it was a suitable site for a
building a potential client wished to construct. However, Mr. Fitzhugh
could not provide specific details concerning what he did during the time
spent on the property. He admitted that that he did not have any plans
or drawings, did not know the size or layout of the building, and lacked
many of the particulars necessary to evaluate whether the property was
suitable. He said that he did not speak to anyone while at the site.
Mr. Fitzhugh said that he
had an appointment at 1:30 to pick up some friends in Palo Alto to run
errands. He left the property and drove southbound on Highway 101. At
approximately 1:15 p.m., near the Woodside Road turnoff, he received a
call on his cell phone from a coworker of Kristine, which had been forwarded,
from his home phone. The coworker told him that his wife had not arrived
to teach her 12:50 p.m. class at Addison Elementary School. Fitzhugh suggested
that she try Kristine's new cell phone number, which he gave to her. She
said that she would attempt to reach her by calling that number. He said
that he would do the same. He told me that he immediately called his wife's
new cell phone number and called the home phone number. He said there
was no answer at either location. Fitzhugh said he continued
to drive to the home of two friends of his and Kristine's in Palo Alto.
Once at the house he told them that his wife had not showed up for her
12:50 class, and that he wanted to go back to his house to see if she
was there. They agreed and he drove them to his residence on Escobita
Avenue in his blue Suburban.
When they arrived, Fitzhugh said his wife's car was parked in the driveway
and the front door to the house was ajar. He went inside while the two
women waited outside in his Suburban. He said that he first looked upstairs
and called out her name. He then looked for her on the on the (sic)
first floor. When he noticed that the door to the stairwell leading
to the basement was ajar he looked down the stairwell, he saw his wife
lying near the bottom landing. Her body was on top of some dry cleaning,
her hands were clutching some items, and her face was touching a large
brass ship bell. He said he did not immediately go down the stairs. Instead,
he went back outside and told the woman that he "needed some help". They
all came inside, and one of the women went down into the basement with
Mr. Fitzhugh. The other woman called 911. He said that he and one of the
women attempted CPR on the victim. They continued to give CPR until the
personnel from the Fire Department arrived at around 1:40 p.m. He said
he realized that his wife was dead while he was giving her CPR but nevertheless
he continued until Fire Department personnel took over. He said about
the time that Officer Priess arrived he was told by a member of the Fire
Department that his wife was dead.
After hearing Mr. Fitzhugh's
explanation of his actions that day, I asked him for consent to search
his house and his cars. I was interested in determining whether anything
had been stolen from the house. He agreed, and I obtained a Consent to
Search form. He provided me with most of the information that was necessary
to completely fill out the form, however, when it came time to sign the
form he declined to sign it. I left the room briefly, and when I returned
he said that he changed his mind and that I could search the house and
the cars as long as he could come along. I agreed. He then signed the
consent to search form. I returned to the house with Mr. Fitzhugh.
Other officers assisted in searching the home and the vehicles. While
at the home an officer told me that a bloody paper towel and a pair of
bloody running shoes had been found in Mr. Fitzhugh's Suburban. The Suburban
was sealed and impounded. I asked Mr. Fitzhugh if he could show me where
the running shoes he had worn that morning were located. He took me upstairs
to a closet in the master bedroom. I observed an empty space in a row
of shoes that were lined up on the floor of the closet. He told me his
running shoes should be where the empty space was. He described the running
shoes to me. I informed him that his running shoes had been found in his
Suburban, and showed him a picture of the recovered shoes. He had no explanation
as to why they would be in the vehicle. He further stated that he had
no explanation for why they would have his wife's blood on them. He also
could not provide an explanation for the bloody towel. Subsequently, Mr.
Fitzhugh left the house and went to pick up his son at the airport.
In an interview conducted several hours later, Mr. Fitzhugh told me that
perhaps his wife's blood had gotten on the shoes when she cut her left
hand a week or two before while gardening. He said the (sic) he
applied direct pressure to her wound to stop the bleeding, and suggested
perhaps that explained the blood on the shoe. He still could not explain
how his running shoes got into the Suburban, or why they would have blood
on the sole.
When asked again about the bloody paper
towel that had been found in the back of his Suburban, this time he said
that he had cleaned himself up after the police arrived and then went
outside to check on his dogs that were in the Suburban. He said he believed
that he might have tossed the paper towel in the vehicle at that time.
Coroner's Investigation and Findings
I met with the Chief Coroner for Santa Clara Counsy Dr. Edward Schmunk,
and his associate, forensic pathologist Dr. Diane Vertis at the victim's
... residence.
Dr. Vertis
conducted the autopsy and told me that she observed the following injuries
on the victim: 1) three impact wounds on the top of her head, indicating
that the victim had been stuck from behind with a blunt object; 2) three
more impact wounds on the back of the head, indicating that she had been
struck from behind with at blunt object; 3) a puncture wound behind the
victim's right ear that extended through her skull and into the brain;
indicating that a blunt object had struck the head with sufficient force
to fracture the skull; 4) injuries to the victim's throat and neck indicating
that she had been strangled; 5) injuries to the victim's face, including
two black eyes, indicating that she had been punched and/or slapped in
eyes, mouth and face; and 6) a "defensive" type injury to her left little
finger, consistent with her having put her hand up to block a blow. Embedded
in the laceration was the victim's wedding ring. Both Dr. Vertis
and Dr. Schmunk told me that in their expert opinions the head wounds
("craniocerebral trauma") were the cause of death, and manual strangulation
was a contributing factor. They said that these injuries were not consistent
with the victim falling down the basement stairs of the residence. These
wounds were consistent with the assailant attacking Ms. Fitzhugh from
behind with a blunt object and the victim at least briefly attempting
to fend off the attack. The injuries were consistent with an attack that
included the assailant having grabbed Kristine's neck, attempting to strangle
her with one hand, while punching her face with the other. In all likelihood,
they believed Ms. Fitzhugh was dead before she was moved to the basement.
Blood Evidence
Several spatters of blood were located in the kitchen area. Some of
this blood was located under objects. On closer inspection, members of
the police department were able to locate over seventy blood spatters
in the kitchen area alone. Some of the blood spatter evidence was consistent
with blood flying off an object used to assault the victim. More blood
spatter evidence was located in the laundry room.
On May 10, 2000, members of
the Santa Clara County Laboratory of Criminalist and members of the Palo
Alto Police Department conducted luminol testing at the residence. This
is a procedure whereby a special liquid chemical that has a fluorescent
reaction to blood is sprayed on an area. This procedure allows for detection
of blood that can not be seen by the naked eye, and is especially useful
in detecting blood residue remaining after an assailant cleans up the
scene of a violent crime. Photographs were taken documenting the luminol
testing and are attached hereto as Exhibits 1-6. The bluish color that
appears in these photographs I believe reflects the luminol reacting with
blood. Evidence of blood was located on the kitchen chair that
was found next to the half-eaten muffin and Ms. Fitzhugh's music papers
(Exhibit 1b and 2b). Evidence of blood was found on the kitchen wall (Exhibit
3b). Evidence of a large area of blood was revealed on the kitchen floor
(Exhibit 4b). A luminous path of blood led from the kitchen to the top
of the basement stairs (Exhibit 5b). Evidence of a pool of blood was detected
on the top of basement stairs (Exhibit 5b and 6b). Apparent in Exhibits
4b and 5b are distinctive patterns that appeared to me to be consistent
with the soles of Mr. Fitzhugh's running shoes. Within the luminous images
in Exhibits 4b and 6b, there appeared a pattern consistent with someone
having wiped up blood.
A complete search of Mr. Fitzhugh's Suburban was conducted on May 10,
2000. A medium size Brooks Brother's (sic) shirt was found stuffed
under the front seat. On the front of the shirt was a large round stain
that appeared to be blood. In the master bedroom closet I found other
medium sized men's dress shirts. A witness recalled Mr. Fitzhugh wearing
a similar shirt on many occasions.
DNA Test Results
A blood sample was taken from Kristine Fitzhugh at the time of the autopsy.
A blood sample was also obtained from Mr. Fitzhugh. Mr. Fitzhugh's running
shoes and the shirt found in his Suburban were submitted to the Santa
Clara County Crime Laboratory for DNA testing. The Santa Clara Crime Laboratory
is nationally certified to conduct DNA testing. A member of the Crime
Laboratory told me that DNA testing established that Kristine Fitzhugh's
blood was on both the running shoes and the shirt found in Mr. Fitzhugh's
Attempts To Corroborate Suspect's
Mr. Fitzhugh was asked to provide any information or witnesses that
could help corroborate his claim that he was away from the home from 11:00
a.m. until 1:41 p.m. on May 5, 2000. Other than the two women who he picked
up and took back to his house, and Kristine's coworker, Fitzhugh told
me that he did not speak to anyone else and did not know anyone that saw
him during this time period.
The phones in the residence were hooked up to caller identification boxes.
These devices recorded the time and the number of the last ten calls that
were made to the residence. The devices were examined and the numbers
stored therein were documented. The number from Kristine's coworker was
located on the boxes and the time indicated was consistent with her statement.
According to Mr. Fitzhugh's story, his cell phone number should have on
the (sic) appeared shortly before or shortly after that call.
This was not the case. His cell phone number did not show up on of any
of the caller identification boxes.
A fellow police officer told me that he drove to the location to 2101
Sneath Lane, San Bruno, and determined that it was vacant lot adjacent
to a business called the Family Golf Center. The officer told me he spoke
to employees of the Family Golf Center. He spoke to a manager of the facility.
She told him that she knows Kenneth Fitzhugh and had an on going (sic)
long-term friendly business relationship with him. She has spoken
to him on several occasions. She said that Mr. Fitzhugh he (sic)
had been involved in getting the city building permits for the facility.
She pointed out the vacant lot to him (2101 Sneath Lane). The lot was
adjacent to the office and was clearly visible from the office. The manager
told Officer Souza that due to the nature of their relationship, it would
be unusual for Mr. Fitzhugh to be on or near the property and not come
into her office and speak with her or other employees. She told him that
if he had been at the property on May 5th between 11:45 a.m. and 12:45
a.m, she would have seen him.
Mr. Fitzhugh had shown me where on Kristine's hand she had allegedly
been injured in the garden accident. Dr Vertis examined the same area
of victim's hand and said based on the description of the injury, she
expected to see some indication of the wound. She saw none.
Mr. Fitzhugh has told me that nothing was missing from the residence.
During the investigation I have not discovered any evidence of a forced
entry into the residence or any evidence that property was stolen from
the residence.
The facts set forth in this written statement are true, based upon my
information and belief, except those facts which are set forth as my own
observations, which I know to be true based upon personal knowledge.
Dated: May 19, 2000
Detective Mike Denson
Palo Alto Police Department
This story has been edited to remove the address of the crime.