"Hands-Only CPR at Stanford"

On January 17, 2013, nurses at Stanford Hospital & Clinics trained Dimitri Saliba (front) and his fellow Palo Alto Troop Den 1, Pack 57, Cub Scouts on how to perform the latest CPR technique. Called "hands-only CPR", the technique requires no mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and can be just as effective as conventional CPR, according to the American Heart Association. The scouts learned that if they see a person suddenly collapse, they should call 9-1-1 and push hard and fast in the center of the chest to the beat of the classic disco song "Stayin' Alive." CPR can more than double a person's chances of survival, and "Stayin' Alive" has the right beat for Hands-Only CPR. To learn the technique at home, visit www.heart.org/handsonlycpr. - Jan 17, 2013

Submitted by Robyn Horn on Jan 22, 2013