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Gennady Sheyner

Staff Writer, Palo Alto Weekly /

650-223-6513 | Email

About Gennady
Gennady Sheyner has been covering Palo Alto since 2008. His beats include City Hall, with a special focus on housing, utilities and transportation. He also covers regional politics for the Palo Alto Weekly, Palo Alto Online and its sister publications. He has won awards for his coverage of elections, land use, business, technology and breaking news.

A native of Ukraine, Gennady grew up in San Francisco and graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles, with a bachelor’s degree in English and from Columbia University with a master’s degree in journalism. Prior to joining Embarcadero Media, he spent three years covering breaking news and local politics for The Waterbury Republican-American, a daily newspaper in Connecticut. He is a massive fan of English football, marathons and churros.
Stories by Gennady
With clock ticking, urgency law to protect Palo Alto renters wins approval
After faltering its prior two attempts, the Palo Alto City Council approved on Monday night an urgency ordinance prohibiting landlords from evicting tenants without just cause.
[Tuesday, December 10, 2019]

Commission system up for an overhaul in Palo Alto
Citing widespread confusion about the roles and rules of local commissions, the Palo Alto City Council agreed on Monday to explore a series of reforms to the longstanding commission system.
[Tuesday, December 10, 2019]

Palo Alto to ban sales of vaping products
Palo Alto's campaign against vaping heated up Monday night, when the City Council agreed to ban the sales and distribution of electronic cigarettes at local stores.
[Tuesday, December 10, 2019]

Forecast shows tax revenues on the rise in Palo Alto
Despite mounting infrastructure costs and colossal pension obligations, Palo Alto is banking on good times ahead when it comes to the city budget, according to a new economic forecast.
[Wednesday, December 4, 2019]

Council holds back funds from plan to revitalize Ventura
Palo Alto's effort to develop a new vision for the Ventura area hit another unexpected obstacle on Monday night, when a routine vote to provide funding for planning exercise failed despite support from the City Council majority.
[Tuesday, December 3, 2019]

Despite pressure from hotels, Palo Alto extends its stay in visitors bureau
The Palo Alto City Council found itself in an unusual position on Monday night -- playing the role of a referee in a bitter feud between hospitality experts.
[Tuesday, December 3, 2019]

Palo Alto delays 'urgency' law to protect renters — again
A proposal in Palo Alto to pass an "emergency law" to protect tenants facing evictions before the state's new renter-protection law kicks in faltered on Monday despite broad political support.
[Monday, December 2, 2019]

Holiday Fund: Nonprofit helps homeless team members turn their lives around
The Downtown Streets Team has revived a fund to helps its members pay for application fees, background checks and other expenses critical to their transitions from homelessness to housed.
[Friday, November 29, 2019]

New Cubberley plan sets stage for tense debate
With the Palo Alto City Council and school district struggling to forge a common vision for redeveloping Cubberley Community Center, a newly released master plan for the 35-acre complex offers a striking picture of what's possible.
[Friday, November 29, 2019]

To curb vaping, Palo Alto weighs ban on e-cigarettes
Citing ongoing concerns about the health impacts of vaping, three members of the Palo Alto City Council are proposing an urgency law to ban the sale and distribution of electronic cigarettes.
[Sunday, December 1, 2019]