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Gennady Sheyner

Staff Writer, Palo Alto Weekly /

650-223-6513 | Email

About Gennady
Gennady Sheyner has been covering Palo Alto since 2008. His beats include City Hall, with a special focus on housing, utilities and transportation. He also covers regional politics for the Palo Alto Weekly, Palo Alto Online and its sister publications. He has won awards for his coverage of elections, land use, business, technology and breaking news.

A native of Ukraine, Gennady grew up in San Francisco and graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles, with a bachelor’s degree in English and from Columbia University with a master’s degree in journalism. Prior to joining Embarcadero Media, he spent three years covering breaking news and local politics for The Waterbury Republican-American, a daily newspaper in Connecticut. He is a massive fan of English football, marathons and churros.
Stories by Gennady
Citing SB 9 concerns, Palo Alto moves to expand historic registry
​​Citing a desire to protect local landmarks from demolition and redevelopment, the Palo Alto City Council agreed Monday to review dozens of homes for possible inclusion on a historic registry, thus shielding them from Senate Bill 9.
[Tuesday, March 22, 2022]

Becker bill aims to tackle hurdles to local affordable-housing efforts
Seeking to spur affordable housing production, state Sen. Josh Becker has authored a bill that aims to both provide more funds for housing developers and expand the list of housing projects that cities can build to get state credit.
[Monday, March 21, 2022]

Becker bill would restore public access to police radio communications
Police departments throughout California would be required to make their radio communications accessible to the press and the public under new legislation proposed by state Sen. Josh Becker.
[Thursday, March 17, 2022]

COVID brings uneven changes to Silicon Valley workplaces
As the "hybrid" model takes over the tech industry, essential workers cope with pandemic adjustments.
[Friday, March 18, 2022]

Architecture board boosts Castilleja School's redevelopment plan
Castilleja School eked out a victory Thursday for its contentious proposal to redevelop its Bryant Street campus when Palo Alto's Architectural Review Board once again voted to support the project.
[Thursday, March 17, 2022]

Worried about Ukrainian co-workers, Silicon Valley tech companies mobilize to aid refugees and the war effort
Silicon Valley CEOs have strong ties with Ukraine, where many of their employees are currently based. They share their thoughts and concerns about their Ukrainian workforce.
[Thursday, March 17, 2022]

Palo Alto looks to expand historic registry to prevent redevelopment
Palo Alto is preparing to expand its list of historic properties to shield them from redevelopment under Senate Bill 9, a state law that allows homeowners to split their lots and build up to four dwellings.
[Thursday, March 17, 2022]

Palo Alto seeks answers about new police policies after canine attack
Seeking to learn more about recent changes to police policies, the City Council directed the Police Department to issue a written response to a police audit that scrutinized a recent incident involving a canine attack.
[Tuesday, March 15, 2022]

Jolted by recent hate incidents, Palo Alto may ask FBI for help
Concerned about recent hate incidents around town targeting Black, Jewish and Asian residents, members of Palo Alto's Human Relations Commission recommended asking the Federal Bureau of Investigation for help in fighting the trend.
[Monday, March 14, 2022]

Residents demand more transparency, accountability in next police chief
Palo Alto's next police chief needs to show a firm commitment to transparency and accountability as well as greater respect for the diversity of the city's population, residents and Human Relations Commissioners said Thursday night.
[Friday, March 11, 2022]