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Linda Taaffe

Associate Editor, Palo Alto Weekly /

650-223-6511 | Email

About Linda
Linda Taaffe is associate editor for the Palo Alto Weekly/ She oversees special print projects, including the Home & Real Estate, Neighborhoods and award-winning Info magazines. She coordinates special digital projects such as Searching for their Father's Killer and Palo Alto's Journey into the 21st Century.

During the past two decades, Linda has worked as a Bay Area journalist covering education, government, business and neighborhoods. She launched her career as a writer at her hometown paper in Los Altos and was an editor at Bay Area News Group and Silicon Valley Business Journal before joining the Palo Alto Weekly in 2016.
Stories by Linda
WeWork eyes former Groupon site
WeWork, a leading provider of coworking space in cities around the world, is looking to expand its reach into Palo Alto.
[Monday, January 7, 2019]

Top reading picks from 2018
As the year comes to an end, we're taking a look back at some our top picks from 2018 that either showcase the people, history and culture that define the area or were written by local award-winning/best-selling authors. These are books released over the past 18 months that are available online at or at Books Inc., Kepler's Books or Stanford Bookstore.
[Thursday, December 27, 2018]

Holiday Fund: A brighter future
Focused on closing the achievement gap, the Catholic Charities Youth Club is the only place where some students have access to a strong support system designed to help them overcome language, economic and other social barriers.
[Friday, December 21, 2018]

Facing tight housing market, tenants worry over uncertain future
Over the past five months, the plight of the President Hotel tenants has put a spotlight on the difficult, and sometimes hostile, rental market in Palo Alto.
[Friday, November 9, 2018]

Sheriff investigating whether Stanford watchman linked to other campus murders
The Arlis Perry case was was among four unsolved murders that occurred at or near Stanford University from the early 1970s. The cases share some similarities, but while investigators are looking into possible connections, they have not linked them together.
[Tuesday, July 3, 2018]

President Hotel tenants ask City Council to save building
Dozens of residents facing eviction from the President Hotel Apartments in downtown Palo Alto urged the City Council on Monday night to spare the building from being converted back to its original purpose as a hotel by the new owner.
[Tuesday, June 19, 2018]

Residents must vacate President Hotel Apartments by November
Residents at the historic President Hotel Apartments in Palo Alto received notice Tuesday that they will have to move out of the building by Nov. 12.
[Wednesday, June 13, 2018]

Historic downtown apartment building sold to hotel developer
The one-time fashionable President Hotel, whose iconic rooftop sign defined Palo Alto's downtown skyline during its heyday, could once again open its doors to hotel guests for the first time in 50 years.
[Tuesday, June 12, 2018]

A charitable legacy, ensured
For more than three decades, Stanford resident Susan Packard Orr has provided nonprofits around the world with support services and software she developed for the management of fundraising and grant-making activities.
[Friday, May 18, 2018]

Christina Holloway
When Christina Holloway moved to Palo Alto in 1968, she noticed that her elementary-aged children and their classmates didn't seem that interested in their school science classes.
[Friday, May 4, 2018]