==I Jan. 6, 7:30 p.m., Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts (MVCPA SecondStage), 500 Castro St., Mountain View. Tickets are $16-$30. tickets.mvcpa.com.==
A visit with Nikola Tesla
Actor, director and educator Duffy Hudson embodies the visionary scientist, electrical engineer and inventor Nikola Tesla in a one-person show, followed by a chance for the audience to talk with Tesla — and then Hudson as himself. Hudson, a Broadway and film veteran, presents solo shows in which he brings to life figures such as Edgar Allan Poe, Albert Einstein, George Burns, Dr. Seuss, and Audie Murphy, and even a one-man production of "A Christmas Carol."
Jan. 6, noon, Menlo Park Library, 800 Alma St., Menlo Park. Free. menlopark.gov.
Local Sound Series
Kick off the first week of 2024 with original Bay Area music at The Guild. The venue launches its Local Sound Series on Jan. 5 with an Americana-inflected double bill of The Live Oaks and Alex Lucero Band. Oakland's folk 'n ' rollers The Live Oaks draw on roots and soul for their sound, while Santa Cruz-based Alex Lucero Band looks to '60s and '70s soul and blues in their songs.
Jan. 5, 8 p.m. at The Guild, 949 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. Tickets are $28. guildtheatre.com.
This story contains 368 words.
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