How a house became the motive for the 1976 Chowchilla kidnapping | January 12, 2024 | Palo Alto Weekly | Palo Alto Online |

Palo Alto Weekly

Cover Story - January 12, 2024

How a house became the motive for the 1976 Chowchilla kidnapping

Criminals wanted to buy and restore Rengstorff House in Mountain View

by Linda Taaffe

Most people who have ventured into Shoreline Park probably have seen the historic, two-story, white wooden Rengstorff House — the oldest home in Mountain View and a striking example of Victorian Italianate architecture with front-facing bay windows, a central gable crowned by a widow's walk and a front portico flanked with square columns that stand out in stark contrast to the surrounding baylands.

This story contains 1002 words.

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