Read the full story here Web Link posted Friday, December 2, 2022, 5:44 PM
Town Square
Comings and goings: Cocoa & Butter and Wahlburgers shutter, Tootsie's reopens and more
Original post made on Dec 4, 2022
Read the full story here Web Link posted Friday, December 2, 2022, 5:44 PM
Comments (1)
a resident of Barron Park
on Dec 4, 2022 at 8:11 pm
Alex LoCoCo is a registered user.
It's funny for the Cocoa & Butter portion, they don't list the rough salary range just that it "higher-than-market pay, along with medical and dental health care benefits and 401(k) options, wasn't enough to attract staff with the experience they wanted, so they took on less-experienced workers." Then shifting the blame to who they perceive as having less experienced staff. If you are not attracting more experienced staff there are multiple things to consider, but the most important is that they are worth more money.
"After going through the training, many left for higher-paying jobs after receiving their first paycheck" So the less experienced workers were able to find new positions elsewhere after their first paycheck, I guess they weren't paid "higher than market wages".
"Over the course of their seven months in operation, they were searching for new workers every two or three weeks and cycled through 30 to 40 employees" This sounds like an owner problem. The old saying, "people don't quit jobs, they quit management" comes to mind. If you have such a high turnover it is obvious that there was something wrong with Cocoa & Butter.
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