Read the full story here Web Link posted Wednesday, December 27, 2023, 4:30 PM
Town Square
Six new laws impacting housing in 2024 that you should know about
Original post made on Jan 1, 2024
Read the full story here Web Link posted Wednesday, December 27, 2023, 4:30 PM
Comments (5)
a resident of Another Palo Alto neighborhood
on Jan 1, 2024 at 10:08 am
Bystander is a registered user.
Ugh. So now these ADUs can be built and then sold to bring income to the original homeowner. It asks the question about whether someone renting a single family home may suddenly lose part of their yard at the whim of the owner and various other questions of practicality.
Once again, this is not something that is likely to harmonize relationships between neighbors. For the past 5 or 6 years there has been long term building work going on with 3 close neighbors to my home and these are just about ending and now another house half a block away is just starting. The peace and tranquility of our quiet street no longer exists, parking is abominable particularly during the day with construction vehicles and no end in sight of the disruption and noise.
a resident of another community
on Jan 1, 2024 at 4:31 pm
MyFeelz is a registered user.
New normal, Bystander. PA (especially in the street food court neighborhood) is becoming heavy equipment and line-of-sight restricted due to the same with no reprieve. We traded tall trees for heavy equipmment and cranes atop buildings where I never see construction workers. I think PA has bitten off more than they can chew, and it has extremely low curb appeal and in general looks like a war zone. Those houses that are selling for millions are not looking to relocate to another neighborhood in PA, they all seem to be moving to Idaho. They'll be happy to sell it all. There's really no incentive to split it up without a parking easement of some kind, but whatev. Bad ideas beget more bad ideas.
a resident of Adobe-Meadow
on Jan 2, 2024 at 11:05 am
Resident 1-Adobe Meadows is a registered user.
Let's start with some facts.
Water - you get a message from the city each month on your water usage with admonishes on how to use less. Each city is allocated x amount of water based on the supply. they are measuring this week and we have less than last year. Less rainfall, less snowpack. You are billed with how much you use.
Electricity - over this weekend SF, SJ and PA had power outages. there is only X amount of electricity to go around.
An ADU has to be on a separate system and connection to the sewer line. A property is billed on all of this.
Who thinks this all up? People who are clueless about how this all works out and other people who vote yes on it - further clueless people.
The biggest problem in this state is that the people in the legislature have no clue on what the state agencies are doing, what their limitations are, and have little financing to solve the state issues on their topic.
They are building a house of cards that will fall over and engulf everyone. You cannot isolate topics without input from the state agencies that are required to support the project.
And the state cannot legislate opposing agendas for taxpayer supported agencies. This state is out of control and it is reducing the budgets of the agencies that have to provide "supply" to the "demand".
Worse - people who are on the PACC keep trying to implode lack of common sense onto the situation at hand. You have a slew of empty buildings that can be converted. You have enough to meet the goal if you work the empty building stock. Making an ADU a separate unit from the base property is a nightmare in process.
a resident of Embarcadero Oaks/Leland
on Jan 2, 2024 at 1:00 pm
Online Name is a registered user.
And with Silicon Valley office vacancy rates at almost 30% I again ask when this area will do what other areas are: consider converting vacant offices to housing instead of destroying existing neighborhoods.
Tick tock.
a resident of Adobe-Meadow
on Jan 8, 2024 at 2:04 pm
Resident 1-Adobe Meadows is a registered user.
Did the "legislators" check with the County which controls the Property Tax issues? Each of these sold ADU's need to be billed for property tax. And billed for utilities used. Imagine the techie who takes out a mortgage to buy one, gets fired, and has to leave the state. The mortgage company owns the property and will put in someone else.
If you had techies before now you have someone else, or a whole series of someone else's. You have children in your house. WOW - that is not what you planned on. Taking control of personal property is the goal here - they won - you lost.
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